A daughters pain

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Her father, bumblebee, bulkhead, and herself along with Megatron had gone to the center of the earth to fight unicron. She didn't trust Megatron but she had to for now which was very unwanted because he had killed her mother done primus knows what to her brother started the whole war and primus knows what else.
5 hours earlier
"Wait wait wait so were just going to bridge the leader of the decepicons here in our base that we've worked so hard to hide from him!!" Arcee yelled "plus he's tried to kill all of us" miko said "yeah I'm with cee on this one optimus" bulkhead said "we must bulkhead in order to save earth he has a connection with Unicron that is invaluable it's necessary." Optimus said "maestro, bee anything to say?" Arcee asked [ honestly I'm with Optimus on this one we kinda have to you know what they say the enemy of my enemy is my friend] bumblebee beeped rachet nodded arcee sighed "if he trys anything I'm going to kick his aft ok?" "Of course arceeon. Rachet open the bridge" the humans hid everyone had at least one weapon out the leader of the decepicons walked in  from the bridge "ahhh so this is where the magic happens." Megatron said after a short conversation with rachet and optimus Megatron spoke with arcee "tell me cece what has it been like ever since arachnid came back?" Arcee merely rolled her optics "well say hello to causeway for me" arcee had a sharp inhale gave Megatron the death glare and said "oh be glad we need you or else I'd give you the same fate you gave my mother!" Arcee turned around and went to blow if some steam bumblebee soon followed [ARCEE WAIT UP!] Bumblebee chirped arcee slammed her fist into the wall "this is why I didn't want him here he would taunt me! Because he knows I can't touch him at the moment even though I can and would kick his aft!" Arcee yelled bumblebee pulled her into a hug [he's trying to get under your skin]  "well it's working" just then bee kissed her on the cheek "bee!" Arcee blushed [sorry, arcee it's just I don't like seeing you like this...plus I know you like me] bumblebee beeped "uhhhhhh does that mean you reciprocate?" Arcee asked he smiled [yes💖] arcee blushed even more "youuuuu be glad steeljaw isn't here or else he'd drain your energy" the 2 stayed there for a while just enjoying each other's company years of torment over rachet came by "there you 2 are... gahhh WHAT IS THIS!" Pointing at the wall arcee had made a hole in "heh my bad." Arcee rubbed the back of her head sheepishly "well hurry up you 2 are leaving soon" and with that he left [we should tell them later shouldn't we] bee beeped "yeah later don't need megs knowing" arcee walked to the main room

They went through the bridge "how long until Unicron knows were here?" Arcee asked "make no mistake for he already does." Megatron said "great" arcee said sarcastically "where do we start Megatron?" Optimus asked "stay close don't stray I could mean your death." Megatron said he walked down a path
A few hours later
Optimus had given the matrix of leadership so earth would be ok but there was a side affect he reverted back to Orion Pax " megatronus who are they?" Orion asked "our sworn enemies" a bridge opened "come Orion" Megatron said and the 2 left arcee just stood there her optics quivering "no...it couldn't have" bee hugged her again "rachet initiate bridge necessary now you get the picture" bulkhead said when they got back arcee just sat down and explained the whole mess the best she could to rachet without crying
rachet was stunned but spoke up "arcee with your father gone that means... your the leader of this team until he returns" "what did you say? I'm the leader of team prime now?!?" Arcee said "sweet souless prime" arcee put her knees up to her head. "Optimus was a hero to the human race arcee." Bulkhead said "I didn't want him to be a hero. I wanted him to be my father." Arcee said.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much I can't believe it over 300 reads primus this is big I can't thank you enough

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