Ghosts of the past

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Arcee got to cybertron easily she looked around primus it was ruined she didn't know what to expect she transformed and drove to an area her mother may have thought Vector Sigma was. She wondered if steeljaw had seen this or what her father was doing for the cons while working against her. She heard footsteps loud ones at that she poked her head around a building scrud an insecticon "maestro how do you fight a insecticon?" Arcee asked "why?" Ratchet asked "because there's one patrolling right in front of vector Sigma." She said Ratchet thought about it "try to lead it away there more Brute Force than brains" Ratchet said. Arcee picked up a large piece of wreckage went invisible snuck behind the con and threw the piece of wreckage as far as she could the insecticon noticed and went to go investigate Arcee saw her chance and started up Vector Sigma. It came up from the ground and the large door opened it separated into 2 halfs arcee walked in and 3 seconds after the door shut there was a thump arcee spun around guns at the ready but saw nothing Arcee assumed it was the insecticon and continued "ok I'm in what's next?" Arcee asked but there was no response just static she knew was cons were attacking she ran down the path. It emptied out into a large room and a pedestal, a voice spoke it was kind but firm "arceeon I know you have the keycard you see that pedestal put it there." Arcee did so but the voice seemed so familiar she felt a hand on her shoulder she spun around guns out but saw her grandfather he passed away shortly after ahe turned 2 so she didn't rember much of him. He was surrounded by a slightly light blue aura in tiny little blue flames the lower down his body got the more transparent he got. "Hey cee it's good to see you again, primus you've grown." Sentinel said "this week has been so weird am I going to see any more of my dead family?" Arcee asked "would a couple friends count?" Another voice said arcee turned she saw ironhide he had the same aura and Flames as her grandfather. And then Chromia arcee gasped "chromia how? Am I hallucinating?" Arcee asked Chormia shook her head "no, I died about 500 years ago after a rouge bullet shot me in the head." Chromia said "don't be sad arcee. But in order for me to rest in peace please tell bumblebee that I'm dead and we love him" chromia took ironhides servo. Arcee nodded and took out the keycard and placed it on the pedestal. Pulsing blue light went up and down through the key card until it flashed bright blue. Arcee put it back turned to the 3 ghosts "thank you all I look forward to our next meeting but my fellow autobots need me." Sentinel spoke "save them arcee save your team." And then ironhide spoke "make sure you hit Megatron where it hurts cee" arcee nodded chromia spoke "I'm so proud of you arcee you we like the daughter I never had and I'm keeping an optic on you 2." Arcee smiled "I won't let you down." Then the 3 ghosts disappeared arcee just went outside of the main chamber "I'm ready bridge me back." A bridge appeared but she still heard nothing she stood there not sure what to do "go though and possibly join the bots I just saw or not go though and just stay till I die on a dead world not good odds." Arcee thought arcee turned into a motorcycle and drove through ready for anything

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much😄

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