Nemesis Prime pt 1

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It was a lazy evening arcee was in her room she was planning on recharging a bit early tonight bumblebee was in the main room watching miko and jack face off in some racing game. Raf was cheering them on. Bulkhead and wheeljack were being weird well mainly wheeljack. Ratchet was working as always and optimus was out he didn't say why. Arcee was just drifting off when somebody knocked on the door "just a nanosec" arcee said when she opened the door and saw bumblebee with a scared look in his optic. "Bee what's wrong?" Arcee asked [it's optimus] bumblebee beeped "what's wrong with my father?" Arcee asked bee didn't say anything just took her servo and took her back to the main room everyone was there but optimus. "Agent folwer what's going on? you don't look so good." Arcee said "simple. Prime tried to run me off the road in bumblebee wasn't there I'd be done for. Folwer responded "what? Uhhh did I hear that correctly?" Arcee asked "I think you did arcee." Folwer responded "Arcee I don't want to believe it just as much as you do but the fact bulkhead, wheeljack, and bumblebee saw him and that optimus isn't here doesn't help." Ratchet said arcee noticed a small scratch on wheeljack. She healed it but somthing was off "this scar isn't from my fathers blade." Arcee said "how you know cee?" Wheeljack asked "it's kinda scary that you know that." Bulkhead "on that terrible day the base was in ruins so as we were leaving father had to cut through a few things plus he taught me how to identify most weapons including his." Arcee said "once again even with that it's still suspicious." Ratchet said they heard a engine everyone knew who it might be. Optimus prime the one in question. Everyone was hesitant but arcee stepped up and asked where he was. "An energon mine." Optimus said he also wondered what was up. "Father, it's just that Agent folwer, bulkhead, wheeljack, and bumblebee said that you attacked them and if it wasn't for bee we'd be without a human liaison." Arcee said she looked at ratchet he nodded "i'm sorry old friend but the facts all point in one direction." Ratchet said. Optimus frowned the had a servo behind his back "father what's behind your back?" Arcee asked he smiled. He opened his servo a very large energon crystal that could last for a bit arcee sighed in relief. "See I told you he wouldn't betray us." Arcee said [and this is why we need to listen to arcee more often] bumblebee chirped "yes I second that bumblebee." Ratchet said.
Arcee was on the roof. Again. She knew of a human organization called MECH she didn't know what it stood for if it did but recently aranchid teamed up with them they kidnapped June darby aka jacks mom. How did they build somthing like this. Agent folwer was a good target because be worked the autobots so much. Arcee sat down and took out the holocron she began to meditate "Hello dear my what a veiw. Causeway said "hey mom. You are never going to believe what just happened.
One story later
"And your father's ok right?" Causeway asked "perfectly sound matim." Arcee said causeway looked over "whose the grave for?" Causeway asked "someone named cliffjumper I never got to meet him just know he was a great bot and was killed by starscream." Arcee said "I've met him he thinks highly of you arceeon." Causeway said "what's He like?" Arcee asked "Very... talkative we help each other from time to time." Causeway said. The mother and daughter continued to talk for a while.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much for over 800 reads sweet primus I hope you guys are liking my story. 😄💕

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