trying to hide his scars

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Steeljaws message had taken it's toll on everyone

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Steeljaws message had taken it's toll on everyone. "Bulkhead! Put my microscope down!" Ratchet yelled "but I'll be careful." Bulkhead said Ratchet gave him a deadly glare bulkhead put the microscope down. Miko was playing her guitar " Miko! Stop that annoying racket!" She stopped but she muddered "geez I know you feel bad about steel but chill." And she went to bulkhead. Ratchet yelled "if another living being enters this room!" Unfortunately optimus walked in holding a datapad " ratchet do you know..." Optimus didn't get to finish his sentence a wench was thrown at him. "Ok... I'll go find her myself." And he left.

Arcee was meditating in her berthroom. Causeway was trying her best to help locate steeljaw as well. The mother and daughter sat down "don't worry arceeon we'll find him." Causeway kissed arcee's forehelm then arcee felt a tap on her shoulder "sorry mother gotta go." Arcee said the meditation ended she looked up "Hello father." Optimus sat down "you blame yourself don't you?" Optimus asked arcee nodded " I'm done with it all." Arcee said "done with what?" Optimus asked "this war! Being constantly in your shadow I want to prove that I'm not a sparkling anymore!" Arcee yelled optimus sighed "I know your not a sparkling anymore but there are some things that you possibly aren't ready for" arcee looked at her father "how do you do this?" Arcee asked "I ask myself that sometimes." Optimus said a tear went down optimus's cheek. Arcee's optics widened she had never seen her father cry before "trying to hide your scars." Arcee said she wiped away her father's tears with her digit. He gave a bittersweet smile "the innocents that have suffered...take Steeljaw for example." Arcee nodded and took a look at the photo of her family that was on her berthside table. The cyan mech had her on his shoulders while he had a goofy smile on his face while holding her legs and she had her arms in the air. And of course she was smiling too. "What would you do if you could turn back time." Arcee asked "save your mother and your brother...And possibly..." Optimus started but stopped short of the sentence "what father?" Arcee asked. Optimus inhaled "kill Megatron." Today was a day of firsts she had never heard her father say that either. Arcee was still leaned against her father. Optimus had a arm around her. It was silence until optimus broke it "how's your mother." Optimus asked "well now that you mention it. I believe that I just mastered group meditation. But I haven't tested it yet." Arcee said she looked at her father "alright. Let's try." Optimus said "ok so from what I know father we just need to have physical contact when I start the meditation. Arcee started.

"Arcee what happened? Did bulkhead get a wrench thrown at him again?" Causeway asked "uhh mom look." Arcee said pointing at optimus. Causeway gasped "op..Optimus?" Optimus smiled and hugged her again. Arcee joined in.
The family were happy to see each other again but knew they were missing one member.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much.😄💕

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