synthetic energon pt 2

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Arcee woke to a alarm 3am she wanted to check to see if ratchet did go to bed a little bit after she did. She went and she wasn't surprised that ratchet was still up she gave a slight cough to get his attention. "Arcee what are you doing up you need rest." Ratchet said "so do you maestro we've been at this for a bit. Plus a medic that can't function is worse off than no medic at all." Arcee said "but." Ratchet  said "no buts come on recharge we both need it." Arcee said Ratchet sighed but agreed
The next day
Arcee was sparing with optimus so ratchet was working alone he knew what he needed to do but wasn't sure about it especially considering that what arcee said was true. Speaking of arcee she came in interrupting ratchets thoughts "ah arcee how's sparing with optimus going?" "So far So good." Arcee said she looked and noticed a syringe with synthetic Energon in it. "You weren't going to try that were you?" "Uhhhh maybe" ratchet responded arcee put down the datapad she was holding "maestro it's highly experimental I know it works with the test engines but that's machinery I'm not willing to risk it with you maybe we could try a few more times THEN we could try." "We don't have a few more trys arceeon you know this it needs to be tested on a bot." Ratchet said "well then try it on me I'm sure I can handle it better." Arcee said "like you handled that fight yesterday!" Ratchet said arcee growled under her breath. " I'm going to mediate so you know where to find me." Arcee said and she left. Ratchet understood where arcee was coming from and felt a little bad for bringing up yesterday but in his mind it was necessary and he injected himself with it he felt powerfull.
With arcee and causeway
"Arcee calm down I'm sure ratchet didn't mean it personally people tend to get caught up in the moment." Causeway said causeway was sitting while arcee was pacing "well it was still rude! But I'd like to think I have some sort of say in the matter right?" Arcee asked/yelled "he is your godfather and some things you just have to let him do." Causeway said "I guess your right matim (mother in cybertronian)" arcee said "I gotta go thanks for calming me down." They could hear a alert from outside the holocron and "welp bye matim" and the meditation ended arcee went to the main room everyone was there but somthing about ratchet. She thought "he scrudding did it didn't he." His optics were green instead of blue. Yep he did. Optimus asked arcee to stay behind to monitor because of her back arcee understood and agreed she knew how the bridge worked she could heal. Then the other autobots left.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them sorry about how later this one was today but tomorrow I might not update so heads up byeeee.😄💕

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