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Arcee came through the bridge and saw Megatron he was fighting with ratchet. Arcee shifted into a owl.

 Arcee shifted into a owl

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She landed right on megatrons shoulders and pulled him away from Ratchet

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She landed right on megatrons shoulders and pulled him away from Ratchet. "What the!" Megatron said feeling arcee's now talons in his shoulders drawing energon. " You again why can't you just die!" Arcee yelled Ratchet took this opportunity to stap Megatron right in his arm on his right arm this caused the his to malfunction so it couldn't leave it's socket. "Oh you'll pay for that autobots." Megatron said "yeah right." Arcee said she flung him into a cave wall arcee landed and turned back to her bot mode "where's bee and bulk plus I need to heal you." Ratchet had some scratches that Arcee was worried about. They heard slight beeps arcee looked a pile of bolders "Ratchet come on!" They got the bolders off [thanks guys bulk should be here somewhere] bumblebee beeped "I'm over here." Bee look over the edge bulkhead was leaning against a wall "when I fell I landed on somthing I think I sprained my leg" a shot zoomed mere centimeters away from arcee's helm they all looked back immediately Megatron again. Fun. Arcee walked forward " I got this you guys get bulkhead outa that hole." She inhaled and sang "this is arcee here now and I'm never going down to likes of you because I'm so much more we autobots aren't going to follow your rules go ahead and try to shoot me if your able." She brought out her guns, Megatron had his other blade out "who brought a knife to this gun fight?" Arcee taunted.  Megatron charged, arcee swerved to her left and shot him right in the hip. Ran behind him and flanked him bye shooting him in the back then went invisible. Megatron spoke "your mother tried somthing like this don't you recall, before I killed her." Bumblebee decided to step in he shot him. Megatron turned around to see the young scout "I took your voice. This time I'll take your life." Just then one giant blast hit Megatron everyone looked and there stood Orion pax guns out. "Megatron be gone!" Orion/optimus yelled bumblebee took this chance and kept Megatron busy. "Father do you know who I am?" Arcee asked she pulled out the keycard "you are my daughter arceeon but you've changed." Orion answered then he noticed the keycard "do you think I'm worthy?" Orion asked "Oh you have no idea." Yhe keycard floated uo in the air and began swirling in front of Orion. Megatron noticed "what no no no." The reformed Optimus prime stepped in front of arcee.  "arcee how did we get here." Arcee shot Megatron then soon followed by Optimus and the others "long story father." They all went though the bridge. Causeway stood there "Opy do you remember me?" "Of course causeway you're my sparkmate but how are you here?" Optimus said "another long story one I wish I could tell but I can't only a  matter of time before I have to go back but I was temporarily resurrected to make sure that the  council didn't lose you." Arcee sighed "I wish you could stay mother." "I know arceeon but even the dead have there limits." Causeway started to fade "Oh well there it is Optimus thank you again I'll see you in the holocron Arcee." Optimus pulled causeway in

"I'm sorry I missed out on most of your visit

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"I'm sorry I missed out on most of your visit." Optimus said "the more things change the more they stay the same." Causeway said and the she disappeared

Ok that's all for today what did you think the base for arcee's song was from stronger than you by Rebecca sugar the Creator and true owner of Steven Universe any suggestions go ahead and save them in the comments I'll try to use them😄💗

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