Beach day

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For some reason Jack suggested that team prime go out of the base not for a mission or anything just to relax and enjoy some down time. Ratchet originally wasn't going to come but eventually caved thanks to arcee's and optimus's convincing. They ended up going to a beach on a island that no humans go to much. The humans would stay behind to monitor (mainly raf.) And they left. Optimus, bumblebee, Arcee, ratchet, bulkhead, and wheeljack. Bulkhead and wheeljack where lobbing and arcee went strait for the waterline. Optimus was happy to see the energetic and happy side of his daughter he hadn't seen that side of her in a while
*cough cough 2000 years*. Bee went to join her "really pretty isn't it" arcee said [not as pretty as you] bumblebee beeped "bumblebee!" Arcee yelled and she also splashed water at him. The water was at ankle level. [Oh! That's how it's gonna be!] Bumblebee chirped the 2 continued to splash each other. A bit of water got on ratchet "hey watch you 2!" Arcee thought for a moment "should I or should I not? To later." And she splashed ratchet too. "Really arceeon?" Ratchet said "come on maestro I had to that." Arcee said [just like I had to to this] bumblebee picked arcee up and threw her into the water "bee!" Arcee yelled once she surfaced [you ok cee?] Bee beeped "yeah. I'll get you back." Arcee said [ok if you insist] bumblebee beeped back. Arcee went to take a break she sat next to her father "you gonna join us?" Arcee asked "perhaps." Optimus responded "your thinking about mother, aren't you?" Arcee asked optimus nodded.  "Summers and Winters and snowy December's sat by the water close to the Embers missing out the lives that they once had before" arcee sang optimus smiled at this "very true." Arcee noticed that bumblebee was standing by the water and decided it was payback time. She snuck up behind him and pushed him "REVENGE!" Arcee yelled. Bumblebee fell into the water. [Arcee!] Bumblebee chirped arcee smirked "she got you good Bee." Wheeljack said eventually the autobots went back to base it was a good day.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much😄💕

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