First Date

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Alright, here we go the first one shot. If you like it let me know I plan to post every day if I can. Enjoy the story. The first one is a little short but they will get longer.

It had been a busy week she had just finished the End of Watch premiere and after-party. Anna was sitting at home on Sunday night watching tv when her phone started to ring she picked it up and saw Jake's name on her screen she answered right away.

Anna: Hey, Jake, how, are you?

Jake: Hey Anna I'm great, was just calling to see if you are busy on Friday night? 

Anna: I have no plans, what, did you have in mind?

Jake: I was thinking, we could have a nice dinner, together, I could pick you up at your place?

Anna: Jake, you don't have, to pick me up, I could just meet you there.

Jake: I would really like to pick you up; at your place, I'm a gentleman.

Anna: I laughed at him, and said ok if it's that important to you, then you can pick me up.

Jake: Great, I'll pick you up at your place at 7 on Friday.

Anna: Okay, I'll see you on Friday I said goodbye; and hung up the phone. 

When Friday arrived, Anna was just finishing getting ready when she heard the doorbell ring, she went to the door and answered she saw Jake standing there in a nice shirt and pants with flowers in his hand he held them out to her and told her she looked great, Anna said thank you and told him to come in for a minute while she put the flowers in some water. When she walked back to the door he opened it for her, and they left the house they walked to his ford explorer and he opened the door for her. She got in, and he shut the door. Jake got in on his side, and they headed for the restaurant.

On the drive over to the restaurant they talked about how great it was they were finally doing this, Jake was glad Anna had agreed to go out with him. Anna was really happy they stayed in touch after the movie had finished.

Jake: How has your week been?

Anna: Good just been busy reading scripts going over lines for my next project, how about you how was your week?

Jake: My week has been good just been relaxing, going to the gym planing our date.

Anna: That's great, I wish I was relaxing, but I've been so busy with the script and getting ready to start filming my next movie.   

When they arrived at the restaurant Jake pulled out Anna's chair for her she said thank you, you're such a gentleman he smiled and sat on the other side they ordered their food and talked about all the upcoming projects they have and how busy they would be for the next few months.

After they finished eating they, got back in Jake's car and he drove her back to her place, he walked Anna to her door they smiled at each other Jake said what a great time he had Anna said she had a great time too. Jake then asked Anna if she would like to do this again sometime? Anna smiled at him and said she would love to. Jake leaned in and gave her the perfect goodnight kiss after the kiss finished Jake promised Anna he would call her he kept his promise and called later that night where they made plans to see each other again.       

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