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The next morning Anna got the kids up for school made their breakfast and packed their lunches then drove them to school. When she got home, she was just about to start the laundry when her phone rang.

Anna: Hello?

Jake: Hey it's me.

Anna: Hi.

Jake: Anna I know you're angry just let me explain before you hang up.

Anna: I'm not going to hang up I've been trying to reach you.

Jake: I'm sorry I lost my phone I didn't get any of your messages I talked to Hailee hows, Ethan?

Anna: He's fine sad that he can't play hockey right now because of the cast but he's healing well.

Jake: I'm glad he's ok how's Noah?

Anna: Great doing well at swimming making new friends everyday he misses you a lot.

Jake: I miss him too. How are you doing?

Anna: I'm good just been really busy I'm about to start laundry so can we talk later?

Jake: I have to film later.

Anna: Ok then we will talk now.

Jake: I'm sorry I left.

Anna: Why did you leave, I thought things were fine?

Jake: Everything is fine it's not you, it's me I just wanted something new, and this project is like nothing I've ever done before.

Anna: So why didn't you just tell me that before you went to the meeting?

Jake: I promised that I would never take a project far from you guys. When I read the script I knew I wanted it, I just didn't know how to tell you guys.

Anna: So you just signed on and left.

Jake: I'm not proud of that I miss you guys so much I love you.

Anna: I love you too. Hailee said that there was a setback so the film is taking longer?

Jake: Yeah looks like I'll be here another month.

Anna: Well then we will make it work we'll talk every day if you can, I'll tell the boys you love them and miss them, and you will be back as soon as you can.

Jake: Thanks babe I have to go they are calling me to set I'll call you tomorrow I love you thanks for not hanging up on me.

Anna: Okay I'll talk to you later; I love you too, bye.

Jake: Bye.

Anna was about to start the laundry again when the phone rang.

Anna: Jake is everything ok we just hung up?

Britt: It's not Jake.

Anna: Sorry Britt what's up?

Britt: Just called to see if you spoke to Jake but you answered my question.

Anna: I just got off the phone with him.

Britt: That's great how did it go?

Anna: It went fine I didn't hang up on him.

Britt: Well that's a start did you work things out?

Anna: Not everything but we will figure it out.

Britt: Did he explain why he left?

Anna: He did I'll fill you in later, I have a lot to do before I pick up the boys.

Britt: I would love to pick them up and take them to the park if it's ok?

Anna: Sure it's fine with me just have them back by 5:30.

Britt: I will I could stop and get a pizza and ice cream, and bring it back and we can hang with the boys.

Anna: They would love that. I would love that.

Britt: Great I will see you later have fun cleaning or whatever you're doing.

Anna: Thank's Britt, I'll see you later.

Britt: Bye.

Later in the day, Anna was folding laundry when she heard the door open.

Ethan: Mommy we're home, and we have pizza and ice cream.

Noah: Mommy pizza?

Anna: Hey guys, did you have fun with Auntie Britt?

Ethan: We had so much fun.

Britt: We did Noah went on the slide we went on the monkey bars and went on the swings.

Anna: Sounds like a  lot of fun. Boys go wash your hands then we will eat.

The boys ran off to wash their hands, and Britt and Anna set the table.

Britt: So what did Jake have to say about leaving?

Anna: He wanted something new and this project he couldn't pass it up and didn't know how to explain it to me so he thought, leaving would be easier I guess.

Britt: So it had nothing to do with you guys?

Anna: Nope, he said that we are fine this was just about him. We will work everything out when he comes home.

Britt: That's good.

The boys sat at the table and ate their dinner after they finished they had some ice cream, Anna and Britt helped them with their homework and then they played some games together before it was time for bed.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now