Night Out

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A few days later Anna had just finished cleaning up after dinner when the front door opened Britt walked in with Chrissie, Kelley, and Tyler.

Britt: Hey Kendrick, get your coat and purse we are taking you out.

Anna: Hey guys I can't I have no one to watch the boys plus I promised I would play a game with them.

Britt: Tyler is going to watch the boys he can play a game with them you are coming with us you need to get out of the house. 

Anna: With Jake gone, I have to be here with the boys.

Kelley: You'll be gone a couple of hours you need to relax.

Anna: I'm waiting, for Hailee to get back to me, I should really stay here.

Chrissie: You'll have your phone with you, you're out of excuses, let's go.

The boys came downstairs in their PJs ready to play a game with their mom.

Noah: We're ready to play mommy.

Ethan: Auntie Britt did you guys come to play too?

Tyler: Hey guys how would you feel If I played a game with you while your mom goes out with Auntie Britt, Kelley, and Chrissie?

Noah: Are you coming back or are you leaving like daddy? You said you wouldn't leave us.

Anna: Baby I will be back in a few hours I promise.

Noah: Okay have fun with Auntie Britt come on Uncle Tyler lets play.

Anna gave the boys a kiss before they ran off to play with Tyler. Anna grabbed her purse and coat and left with the girls.

The girls arrived at the bar and grabbed a table they ordered their drinks and started talking.

Anna: Thanks for taking me out tonight guys I really needed a break I've been so busy with the boys.

Kelley: How are the boys doing?

Anna: They're great doing well in school, Noah loves swimming and Ethan's arm is healing well so he can get back to hockey soon.

Chrissie: And how are you doing and don't just say fine tell us the truth.

Anna: The truth is I'm angry that my husband took a movie far away from us without talking to me. I'm upset that he never called back after Ethan got hurt. I'm run down from looking after the kids but other than that I'm fine.

Britt: If you need help with the boys just call us we are here to help you.

Anna: That's sweet, but you guys have your own lives I know you guys get busy I just have to get used to being a single parent.

Kelley: How long did he say he would be gone?

Anna: Three months maybe more?

Anna's phone went off she saw it was Hailee, so she picked up right away.

Anna: Hey Hailee what's up?

Hailee: Hey I talked to a friend and he knows someone on the movie they called and I talked to Jake's costar turns out Jake's phone is lost I was able to talk to Jake for a minute he's been really busy turns out the shoot is going to be a little longer they had some setbacks. He is going to call you later on.

Anna: Thanks Hailee did you tell him about Ethan and how I tried to call him?

Hailee: I did he wishes he could come back, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

Anna: Alright well thanks again for reaching out.

Hailee: Anything for you guys look I have to go, but we will talk soon okay?

Anna: Okay bye Hailee.

Hailee: Bye.

Anna: Well it turns out that Jake's phone got lost and he did not get any of my messages plus the shoot is going to be longer because of setbacks so now I have to go home and tell the boys.

Kelley: How do you think they will react?

Anna: They'll be upset you saw what happened with Noah when Tyler said I was going out.

The girls stayed for another hour before getting a cab and heading back to Anna's when they got there Ethan was asleep on one couch, and Noah was sound asleep against Tyler. 

Anna: Hey how did it go did you have fun?

Tyler: They were great we played candy land twice played with some cars read some books then we watched tv, and they fell asleep.

Anna: Thank you, for watching them I should put them to bed.

Tyler: I'll take Ethan up then come back for Noah.

Anna: You don't have to do that I can just wake them up.

Tyler: It's, no problem I'll be right back.

After Tyler put the boys in bed, everyone said goodbye, and Anna got ready for bed and waited for Jake to call her. It got late Jake never called, so she called it a night.

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