Home for the Holidays

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Anna and Jake were getting ready to take a trip to Main to see Anna's parents and spend Thanksgiving with them.

Anna: I'm so glad we are going to spend Thanksgiving in Main it's been a while since I've been home.

Jake: I'm glad we are going too. Do you remember the first time you took me home to meet your family?

Anna: I do, you were so nervous it was sweet.


Anna looked over at Jake, and said; so are you nervous yet?

Jake: Nope, not nervous at all.

Anna: Really?

Jake: Okay, maybe a little nervous.

Anna: You'll be fine, they are going to love you just be yourself ok.

Jake: Okay, I'll try I just want to make a good first impression this is a big step for us.

Anna: Babe, I know this is big for us; It's big for me; I've never brought anyone home with me before.

Jake: You've never brought anyone home with you?

Anna: Nope, you're the first and I'm glad because I see a future with you, so I want my parents and brother to get to know you.

End of Flashback

Anna: Alright, this suitcase is ready to go.

Jake: Are the boys packed?

Anna: Not yet, that's next on my list.

Anna walked across the hall to the boy's rooms to get them packed for the trip. Once all the bags were packed, Jake put them by the front door so they would be ready to go in the morning.

The next morning Anna was making sure the boys had everything they would need for the plane ride Jake was making sure all the doors were locked. Britt arrived to drive them to the airport.

Anna: Thanks for driving us.

Britt: No problem.

When they arrived, Britt helped them unload the car, gave them hugs, and told them to have fun and be safe.

The boys were great on the plane, they played on their I pads and looked out the window. Noah fell asleep for a little Ethan was awake the whole time.

When they landed, Anna's brother was waiting for them.

Ethan: Uncle Mike.

Mike: Hey, buddy, how are you.

Ethan: I'm; great, I've missed you.

Mike: I've missed you too.

Anna said hi to her brother, then they grabbed their bags and headed for the car.

They arrived at Anna's mom's house, as soon as they walked in all you could smell was pie baking in the oven.

The boys ran into the kitchen, looking for their grandma.

Janice: There are my boys come give me a hug.

The boys hugged their grandma then ran off to find their uncle.

Anna: Hey mom, I said as I hugged her.

Janice: Hey, how was the flight?

Anna: It was fine, the boys were great.

Jake: Hey, Janice, great to see you again.

Janice: Great to see you, Jake.

Jake: I'm going to put out bags in your old room.

Anna: Ok.

Jake took the bags to put them away, the boys were playing video games with their uncle, and Anna was in the kitchen, helping her mom.

Janice: How was Noah's party, sorry I couldn't be there.

Anna: It was great the kids had fun bowling, I can't believe he is seven already. It feels like just yesterday we brought him home.

Janice: Time does fly; Ethan is going to be nine soon.

Anna: Don't remind me they are getting too old.

Janice: Are you missing having a baby around?

Anna: No, I love having the boys this age; we can do so much with them.

Janice: So you're done having kids?

Anna: Yep, Jake and I talked about it after the miscarriage we agreed to not have any more kids.

Janice: Well, then I'm going to go spend time with my only two grandchildren.

Anna: Have fun.

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