The Wedding Part 1

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May 2, 2015, 

Jake and Anna spent the night before the wedding apart Jake stayed with his friends and Anna had the girls stay with her. The morning of the wedding Anna was still asleep when Britt came into the room with coffee.

Britt: Hey, Anna time to wake up.

Anna: What time is it?

Britt: 8:30 how did you sleep? Did you sleep at all?

Anna: I slept great. Is that coffee?

Britt: Yep here you go.

Anna: Thanks, where is everyone?

Britt: Kelley and Chrissie are downstairs eating, Your parents went to meet your brother at the hotel.

Anna: Okay well then I should get up and get ready. I can't believe I'm getting married today.

Britt: I know it seems like it was yesterday you told me you got engaged.

Anna: Hey, Britt I just want to say thank so much for helping me plan everything I know it was a lot of time and work.

Britt: You don't have to thank me I loved every minute of it plus it's my job as your maid of honor.

Anna: You're not just my maid of honor your my best friend I said as I gave her a hug.

Britt: So are you looking forward to the honeymoon? Where are you guys going you never told me.

Anna: I don't even know where we are going. He said he wanted to surprise me but I'm looking forward to it wherever it is.

Britt: Well the wedding is at 12 so you better get ready, I'll go make sure everything is ready to go.

Anna: You have my dress right?

Britt: Yep your dress and all the bridesmaid dresses are ready to go Kelley and Chrissie packed them up for you.

Anna: Perfect, tell them thanks when you go back down I went to walk into the bathroom when I remembered, oh you have Jake's ring right. 

Britt: I don't you said you would give it to me in the morning.

Anna: That's right I said as I ran to the bedside drawer opened it and took out the ring box. I handed it to Britt. Here you go.

Britt: Can I look at it?

Anna: Sure.

Britt: I opened the box and saw a platinum band sitting there, Anna this is really nice I love how the line in the middle is a darker shade looks cool. 

Anna: Thanks, I designed it look on the inside I had it engraved.

Britt: I took the ring out and looked on the inside where I saw J+A with a heart. That is sweet is that so if he loses it and tries to replace it you'll know?

Anna: No I didn't think of that at the time, but thanks for the idea.

Once Anna was done in the shower she threw on some clothes and went downstairs with everyone else. They made sure they had everything and got in the car to head to the church. When they got to the church the girls headed for their room to get ready, while the guys went to their room. In the groom's room, Jake was buttoning up his shirt and putting on his tie when Mike walked over to him.

Mike: So are you ready to spend the rest of your life with my sister? 

Jake: I've been ready since the day I met her I said as I finished tying my mint green tie and putting on my grey suit jacket.

Mike: If you hurt her I will hurt you.

Jake: Mike I would never do anything to hurt your sister I love her and would do anything for her. 

Peter: Remember when you said the same thing to me, Jake?

Jake: I think I said something different to you, but I understand I knew I would get this speech when I got married. Michael, you have the ring, right?

Michael: Yep right here in my pocket.

Jake: Okay good I forgot to ask before we left.

Michael: You gave it to me last night before you got drunk and forgot.

Matthew: So are you nervous?

Jake: Nope I can't wait to see my bride. Did I tell you guys I'm surprising her with a trip to Paris for our honeymoon?

Michael: Really she let you choose?

Jake: I told her I wanted to surprise her and she said okay.

Mike: She let you choose because she couldn't decide. 

Jake: We talked about planning it together, but then she said I could surprise her. okay, maybe your right she couldn't decide so she let me pick.

Back in the bride's room, Anna was standing at the mirror Britt was helping her zip her dress up Kelly, Chrissie, and Maggie were all getting ready. 

Britt: Almost time are you nervous?

Anna: Nope I'm ready for this I can't wait to see him.

Britt: You look so beautiful.

Anna: Thanks, you guys look great as well, mint green was the right choice. My dad should be here soon. 

Just as those words left her mouth there was a knock at the door. Kelley answered and standing there was Anna's dad. Everyone left the room to go line up.

Anna: What do you think dad?

William: You look so beautiful.

Anna: Thanks, dad you look handsome I said as I fixed his tie.

William: I'm so proud of you Jake is a great guy he loves you so much.

Anna: I love him too.

William: You ready to go?

Anna: I'm ready.

Jake was standing at the end of the aisle with the pastor and all of his groom's men. The bridesmaids made their way down the aisle then the doors opened and Anna and her father made their way down the aisle when they got to the end Anna handed her bouquet to Britt and stood next to Jake facing the pastor. 

We are gathered here today in the sight of God and angels, and the presence of friends and loved ones, to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love, and to add our best wishes and blessings to the words which shall unite Jacob and Anna in holy matrimony.

Would you please face each other and join hands.
Jacob, do you take Anna to be your wife?
Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others
and holding only to her forevermore?
("I do")
 Anna, do you take Jacob to be your Husband?
Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others
and holding only to him forevermore?
("I do")

Jacob, as you place the ring on Anna's finger, please repeat after me:
I Jacob, take thee, Anna to be my Wife.
To have and to hold,
in sickness and in health,
for richer or for poorer,
in joy and sorrow,
and I promise my love to you.
And with this ring,
I take you as my Wife,
for as long as we both shall live.

Anna, as you place the ring on Jacob's finger, please repeat after me:
I Anna, take thee, Jacob, to be my Husband.
To have and to hold,
in sickness and in health,
for richer or for poorer,
in joy and sorrow,
and I promise my love to you.
And with this ring,
I take you as my husband,
for as long as we both shall live.

Jacob and Anna in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the giving of these rings and the joining of your hands, I now declare you to be husband and wife.

Congratulations, you may kiss your bride.

Anna and Jake shared their first kiss together as husband and wife in front of all their family and friends.

I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal.

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