Why Did This Happen

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Anna woke up in the middle of the night something didn't feel right she looked down and saw that she was bleeding. Anna looked over and saw that Jake was sound asleep.

Anna: Jake, wake up.

Jake: What's wrong babe?

Anna: I'm bleeding.

Jake: Ok let's go to the hospital.

Anna: What about the boys?

Jake: I'll call Britt.

Anna: Babe it's late.

Jake: She always told us to call if it was an emergency.

Anna: Ok call her.

Jake grabbed his phone from the nightstand and waited for Britt to pick up.

Britt: Hello I said with a groggy voice.

Jake: Britt its Jake I need you to come over and watch the boys I have to take Anna to the hospital.

Britt: What's wrong with Anna, what happened?

Jake: She had stomach pain and she's bleeding so I have to take her to the hospital but the boys are still sleeping.

Britt: I'm getting in the car right now I'll be there in five.

Jake: Thanks.

Jake hung up the phone and helped Anna change.

Jake: Everything is going to be fine.

Anna: You don't know that I said as tears ran down my face.

Jake and Anna left the room and went downstairs. Britt walked into the house because she had a key and hugged Anna right away.

Anna: Thanks for coming sorry we woke you.

Britt: It's fine I got this go call me when you know more ok.

Anna: We will.

It didn't take long for Jake and Anna to get to the hospital because it was the middle of the night and there was no traffic. When they arrived it didn't take long to see a doctor they did some tests and came back to talk to Anna and Jake.

As soon as the doctor came in Anna knew something was wrong.

Dr. Chord: I'm really sorry Anna but you've lost the baby.

Anna: Is it something I did?

Dr. Chord: No this is not your fault.

Anna: Then why did this happen?

Dr. Chord: We don't know I'm sorry.

Dr. Chord told Anna that when she got home she needed to rest and that they could try again in a couple months if they wanted to. The ride home was quite Anna didn't say anything to Jake and Jake didn't know what to say.

When they arrived home Britt was awake waiting for them. Anna walked into the house and went straight upstairs without saying anything.

Britt: Is everything ok?

Jake: We lost the baby.

Britt: Aww Jake I'm sorry.

Jake: She won't say anything to me.

Britt: She just needs time to process everything. Do you want me to see if she will talk to me?

Jake: You can try if you want I'm going to stay down here for a while.

Britt went upstairs to see if Anna would talk to her when she got to the door she knocked and waited for a response. Anna opened the door and looked at Britt then just fell into her arms and cried. Britt brought them over to the bed and sat them down.

Anna: Jake really wanted that baby Britt, and I wasn't sure.

Britt: It's ok to have doubts.

Anna: It's my fault that this happened.

Britt: Hey, no this is not your fault it's no ones fault ok.

Anna and Britt talked for a while then Anna fell asleep against Britt. When Jake came into the room he saw both Anna and Britt sound asleep he put the blanket over them and went to sleep in the guest room. 

The next morning Anna woke up and saw she had fallen asleep with Britt she got up and went to look for Jake. Anna walked by the guest room and saw him asleep in the bed, she walked in and sat on the bed beside him Jake stirred when Anna sat down.

Jake: Hey babe, how are you?

Anna: I'm ok.

Jake: Are you sure you can tell me anything you know that.

Anna: Ok if I'm being honest I feel like I failed you.

Jake: Why would you say that?

Anna: I know how much you wanted another baby. I wasn't sure what I wanted.

Jake: Hey you did not fail me I don't want you to think that we will get past this ok it's you me and the boys and that's enough for me.

Anna: Are you sure I want you to be happy.

Jake: Babe as long as I have you and the boys I'm happy.

Anna leaned in and kissed Jake then they hugged each other. Britt watched from the hallway she didn't want to interrupt them. Britt went downstairs and made them some breakfast. When Anna and Jake came down they saw Britt had just finished putting breakfast on the table.

Anna: Britt you didn't have to make us breakfast.

Britt: I wanted to.

Jake: Well then thank you, Britt, everything looks great.

Anna: Britt can I talk to you for a second?

Britt: Sure.

Anna and Britt walked into the family room.

Anna: I just wanted to say thank you for talking to me last night.

Britt: I'm always here for you, you know that.

Anna: I know and I love you for that. I was wondering if you would tell the girls I have to tell my family and Jake's and we have to tell the boys.

Britt: Are you sure you want me to tell the girls this is a really personal thing to share?

Anna: I have a lot of people to tell so I could use the help.

Britt: Ok if you're sure then, of course, I'll tell them.

Anna: Thanks.

Britt: I should head out give you guys time alone as a family.

Anna: At least stay and have some breakfast first.

Britt: Alright.

Everyone gathered at the table to have breakfast once they finished eating Britt said goodbye and left the four of them alone.

Anna and Jake had to explain to the boys that they wouldn't be having a new brother or sister Ethan kept asking why and Noah just said ok and started playing with his toys. Noah being only three didn't understand. Ethan could tell his mom was upset so he cuddled with her on the couch. 

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