It's Time

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On November 21, 2017, at 2:30 am Anna woke up with a shooting pain going through her she slowly sat up at first she thought it was bad back pain but when it happened again she knew it was a contraction. It happened a few more times and she slowly breathed through the pain.

Anna: Jake I said as another contraction hit.

Jake: Anna?

Anna: I need you to wake up.

Jake: Another craving I asked as I sat up in bed to face her.

Anna: No I'm having contractions.

Jake: Ok don't panic everything will be fine.

Anna: Just as I was about to say something another contraction hit I grabbed Jake's hand and squeezed it hard.

Jake: It's ok just breathe in and out that's it I said.

Anna: I need you to call Britt so she can watch Ethan.

Jake: Babe are you sure it's late?

Anna: She told us to call her no matter what time it was.

Jake grabbed his phone and called Britt she answered on the second ring.

Britt: Hello I said in a groggy voice.

Jake: Britt I am so sorry to call this late but Anna has gone into labor.

Anna: I'll be there in 5 I said as I got out of bed.

Jake: She will be here in 5 I told Anna as I hung up the phone. We should get dressed or get downstairs did your water break yet?

Anna: Not yet I said as a moved to the edge of the bed. 

Jake: I walked over and helped her stand up once she was standing we slowly made our way downstairs. 

Britt showed up just as they got downstairs.

Jake: Hey thanks for coming.

Britt: No problem hows it going?

Jake: So far good I said as I walked with her into the family room.

Anna: Hey Britt thank you for coming I'm sorry it's so late.

Britt: It's fine I told you to call.

Anna: Ethan is asleep he wakes up between 8 and 8:30 I said while breathing through contractions. He likes cheerios for breakfast and fruit sauce.

Britt: Anna it's fine, I'll figure it out don't worry go have a baby I'll see you later on ok.

Anna: Ok I said as we walked down the hallway and out the door.

When Jake and Anna got to the hospital her water broke it didn't take long to get checked in. Once Anna was settled in her room they waited for the doctor. 

Dr. Smith: Anna, Jake great to see you again how are you feeling?

Anna: I'm alright pain hasn't been too bad.

Dr. Smith: Well let's check you out and see where we are. 

Dr. Smith did a quick check and told Anna she was 5 almost 6 centimeters dilated.

Anna: Wow halfway there I said as I got into a comfortable position Jake sat next to me holding my hand. 

Dr. Smith: I'll be back in a little to check on you.

Dr. Smith came back a couple hours later to see how things were going.

Dr. Smith: Alright Anna how are you feeling?

Anna: Contractions are a lot closer together I said as Dr. Smith checked me out.

Dr. Smith: You're 8 centimeters so we are getting closer I would say this baby will be born before 9. I will be back in a little bit.

The next time Dr. Smith came in it was time to have a baby on November 21, 2017, at 8:20 am after three pushes Noah Michael Gyllenhaal was born weighing 5lbs even. Dr. Smith placed the baby on Anna's chest Jake kissed his wife and looked at his son he looked just like Ethan. 

Anna: Hey buddy it's ok mommy's here I said as I tried to calm him down.

They took him away to wrap him up when they brought him back to Anna and Jake Anna just stared at him she didn't have this moment with Ethan so she wanted to just take it in. 

Back at the house, Ethan was eating his breakfast Britt was helping him when her phone went off.

Britt: Hello.

Jake: Hey Britt Anna had the baby they are both doing great he was born at 8:20 am he looks just like Ethan Anna said you guys can come by soon if you want her keys are on the kitchen counter.

Britt: Alright I just have to get Ethan ready then we will be there I said as I hung up the phone. Ethan are you ready to meet your baby brother?

Ethan just smiled at her and held up his arms to be picked up. Britt got Ethan ready then they headed off to the hospital. When they got there they went to Anna's room when they walked in Anna was sitting in the hospital bed with Noah in her arms.

Britt: Hey how are you feeling?

Anna: Tired but very happy meet Noah Michael Gyllenhaal I said as I showed him off to Britt.

Britt: He is so cute I said I was holding Ethan in my arms Ethan couldn't wait anymore he saw Anna and yelled mama.

Anna: Hi baby come here and meet your little brother.

Britt sat Ethan down on the bed next to Anna Ethan looked at the baby in his mom's arms then looked away he looked at Britt and put his arms up.

Anna: It's ok buddy do you want to see baby Noah?

Ethan didn't look at her Jake walked into the room Ethan saw him and yelled dada. Jake walked over and picked him up. 

Anna: Britt would you like to hold him?

Britt: I would love to I said as I took him in my arms he was perfect.

Anna: We were wondering if you wanted to be his godmother as well?

Britt: Really?

Anna: I know we asked you to be Ethan's so if it's too much you can say no.

Britt: You guys are the best I would love to be his godmother.

Britt got to spend time bonding with her godson while Anna was cuddling with Ethan on the bed when the baby was brought back to Anna Ethan wanted off the bed. Britt took Ethan home so that Anna could get some sleep and Jake sat in the chair and bonded with his new son.

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