Still No Answer

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It had been two weeks since Ethan broke his arm Anna still hadn't heard from Jake she called his sister and his parents no one had heard from him Anna was making the kids lunch when there was a knock at the door.

Anna answered the door Hailee had come to see the boys.

Anna: Hey Hailee come on in I said as I stepped aside to let her in.

Hailee: Thanks, how are you doing I said as I gave her a hug.

Anna: Im doing alright I've been so busy with the boys how are you?

Hailee: Great the tour is keeping me busy I'm starting a new movie soon, but I always have time to see you and my favourite guys.

Anna: That's great would you like something to drink?

Hailee: Water is fine so what's going on.

Anna: Well my husband took a movie far from home, Ethan broke his arm I haven't been able to reach him I have no idea how to contact him.

Hailee: I'm sorry you're going through this it doesn't seem like Jake.

Anna: It's not like him at all I have no idea what is going on.

Hailee: Do you know who else is in the movie?

Anna: I don't even know what it is called let alone who is in it.

Hailee: I could ask around for you maybe get some answers for you.

Anna: That would be great thanks.

Hailee: Anything for you.

The boys came running down the stairs when they heard voices.

Ethan: Auntie Hailee I yelled as I ran and gave her a big hug.

Hailee: Hey buddy how are you?

Ethan: I got hurt I said as I held up my arm will you sign it I got Auntie Britt and my friends at school mommy singed it to.

Hailee: Sure I'll sign it do you have a marker?

Ethan: Yep I'll get it.

Hailee: Hi Noah how are you?

Noah: I'm good I have swimming today can you come and watch me?

Hailee: Of course I'll come, I've missed you guys. 

Later in the day they left to go watch Noah swim. 

Ethan: Mommy when can I play hockey again?

Anna: When your arm is all healed up the doctor said 6 weeks.

Ethan: That's a long time.

Hailee: It will go faster than you think.

After Noah was finished swimming they went and got a bite to eat when they got back home the boys ran off to play, Hailee and Anna sat in the kitchen and talked.

Hailee: Noah seems to like swimming when did he start?

Anna: He started a few weeks ago he loves it.

Hailee: That's great I'm glad he's out of his shy phase.

Anna: So am I he's making friends and doing well in school.

Ethan: Auntie Hailee I have to show you my treehouse last time you were here it wasn't finished.

Hailee: Ok lead the way lets see it.

Ethan took Hailee outside to show her the treehouse when they came back in Hailee said she had to get going.

Anna: Thank you so much for coming and seeing us.

Hailee: Anytime I'll call you if I have any information.

Anna: Thanks Hailee I really appreciate this. 

Hailee: No problem I'll talk to later ok.

Anna: Ok boys come say goodbye to Auntie Hailee she has to leave now.

The boys ran over and hugged her goodbye.

Ethan: Bye Auntie Hailee, I love you.

Hailee: I love you to buddy you be good for your mom ok.

Ethan: I will.

Hailee: Bye Noah I love you.

Noah: Bye Auntie Hailee, love you too. I made you this picture to take with you on tour.

Hailee: Awesome I'll put it on my bus, I love it, thanks.

Noah: You're welcome. 

Hailee left the boys went back to playing and, Anna went to clean up the kitchen.

Anna: Boys why don't you grab a game we will play when I'm done cleaning up.

Ethan: Ok mommy. Come on Noah let's get a game.

Noah: Let's play hungry hungry hippos.

Anna was waiting for the boys in the family room.

Noah: Mommy we got hungry hungry hippos.

Anna: My favourite let's play.

Ethan: Mommy how come daddy hasn't called us?

Anna: I'm not sure buddy I think he is really busy working.

Noah: Is he going to come home soon?

Anna: I don't know buddy but I'm here, and I'm not leaving ok.

Noah: Ok.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now