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When Saturday rolled around, Anna and Jake were getting ready for the bbq. Anna was making sure they had all the food they would need, and Jake was making sure there were enough drinks.

Anna helped the boys clean up the backyard making sure their toys were put away, so the guests didn't trip over anything.

Britt and Tyler were the first ones to show up.

Britt: Hey, we're here, and we brought cookies.

Anna: Hey come on in we are just setting things up.

Britt: Can I help with anything?

Anna: Sure you can help me in and the kitchen Tyler Jake could use some help with the table and chairs.

Tyler: No problem.

Tyler went out back to give Jake a hand while the boys ran inside to see Britt.

The boys ran into the house and hugged their Auntie Britt.

Britt: Hey, guys.

Ethan: Auntie Britt come out back we are playing.

Britt: I'll be right there, I'm just helping your mom with something.

Noah: Ok.

The boys went back outside to play. Britt and Anna were getting all of the food ready to bring out to start grilling. The doorbell rang as Anna was going to the backyard.

Anna answered the door, Chrissie, Kelley, and Kelley's boyfriend Mark was standing there.

Anna: Hey, guys come on in.

Everyone walked through the house to the backyard. The guys hung out by the grill and Chrissie and Kelley played with the boy's everyone else arrived and the bbq was going great.

An hour later the doorbell rang they weren't expecting anyone else, so Anna went to answer it. When Anna opened the door, Hailee was standing there.

Hailee: Surprise.

Anna: Hey, I'm so glad you're here, Ethan and Noah are going to be so excited.

Hailee: Really.

Anna: Noah was so disappointed when we said you might not come. You know how much they love you.

Hailee: I do.

Anna: Hey, boys look who's here?

Ethan and Noah looked up to see who was standing there, Ethan ran over and gave Hailee a big hug, Noah ran over and jumped into her arms.

Everyone was having a great time the boys were having fun with Hailee it had been a while since they saw her last. the weather was great everyone was laughing and having a great time.

Anna went into the house, and Jake followed after her. Anna was standing at the sink when Jake walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Anna turned to face him.

Anna: The bbq was a great idea everyone is having a great time.

Jake: I'm glad everyone is having a great time, are you having a good time?

Anna: I am I love having everyone all together like we used to. The boys are having a blast they love having everyone around.

Anna leaned in and kissed him Britt saw them from the doorway she smiled at how happy Anna was.

Later in the night, everyone left except Britt, Tyler, Chrissie, Kelley, Mark, and Hailee. The boys were still playing with Hailee they didn't want her to leave.

The rest of the group was sitting at the table drinking and having a good time. 

Once it was time for the boys to go to bed Ethan asked if Hailee could tuck them in, Anna said it was fine, and Hailee said she would love to do it. The boys said goodnight to everyone then went upstairs to get ready for bed.

Anna and Jake walked everyone else to the door they said goodbye then they went to clean up the kitchen. Hailee came down and helped them clean up.

Anna: Thanks for tucking the boys in.

Hailee: No problem.

Anna: Did you have a good time today?

Hailee: I had a great time, thanks for inviting me.

Jake: You are always welcome here.

Hailee: I should get going it's getting late.

Jake: I'll walk you out.

Jake came back to the kitchen to help Anna finish; he took out the trash and put the grill away. Once everything was cleaned up, Jake and Anna sat on the couch to watch tv.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now