I'm Happy How We Are

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Anna and Britt got back with the kids they walked into the house, but the guys weren't in the family room. Anna saw them sitting in the backyard waiting.

Anna: Come on boys daddy is in the backyard.

Ethan was so excited to tell his dad about the zoo that when he ran out he didn't even see the giant swing set. 

Ethan: Daddy I saw so many animals at the zoo.

Jake: That's great buddy I'm glad you had a good time with mommy.

Ethan: Did you fix stuff, daddy?

Jake: I did do you want to see?

Ethan: Yeah.

Jake: Look what uncle Tyler and I built for you and Noah.

Ethan and Noah looked at what their dad was pointing at Ethan smiled, and ran for the swing set and Noah chased after him.

Anna: You did a great job babe, look how happy they are.

Jake: I'm glad they like it.

The kids played while the adults sat and talked to each other.

Ethan: Auntie Britt, uncle Tyler can you come and play with us?

Britt: Sure buddy I grabbed Tyler, and we went over to play with the boys leaving Anna and Jake to talk to each other.

Anna and Jake sat there looking at each other no one said anything for a while.

Anna: Are you happy Jake?

Jake: Of course I am why would you ask that?

Anna: Lately I feel like you're not.

Jake: There is something I want to talk about.

Anna: Is this about having more kids?

Jake: It is.

Anna: Ok tell me what you have been thinking.

Jake: Ok I would love to have more kids, but we just lost a baby I would never ask you to put yourself through that again, and I never want you to feel the way you did so this is what I think we should do. I think we should just focus on the boys, and our relationship right now, and if we decide to have another baby we will plan it this time. 

Anna: Thank you for being honest with me now it's my turn, to be honest with you. I love the way things are right now just you, me and the boys. After what we went through I don't think I want any more kids and I just need to know if that is ok with you if you can be happy with just the four of us. 

Jake: I love you and if you are happy how things are then this is how it will stay. I leaned over and gave her a kiss then we watched the boys play with there Aunt and Uncle. 

Anna: We are never going to get them off of that they are going to want to sleep on it I laughed as I watched Britt push Noah on the swing.

Jake: I'm thinking my next project for them will be a treehouse?

Anna: I think they would love that.

Britt and Tyler came back to the table and sat down.

Britt: What will they love?

Anna: Oh Jake is thinking of his next project for the boys.

Britt: Really, what is it?

Jake: I'm thinking treehouse.

Tyler: Nice I could totally help you build that.

Jake: Thanks.  

Anna: Maybe you should wait till they're a little older. Like when they are 7.

Anna was about to continue when Ethan ran over to the table. 

Ethan: Mommy can I have a drink, please? 

Anna: Sure baby I said as I got up to get a couple of juice boxes for the boys.

Ethan: Daddy can you take off my training wheels?

Jake: Why buddy?

Ethan: My friend Cody can ride without them.

Jake: Are you sure you're ready for that?

Ethan: Yep I can do it.

Jake: Ok we will try tomorrow.

Ethan: Ok can you guys come back to watch I asked my Aunt and Uncle.

Britt: Sure buddy we will be here.

Ethan: Yeah I said as I ran off to play.

Anna: So what did I miss I said as I put the juice boxes on the table along with some watermelon slices.

Jake: Your son wants to ride with no training wheels.

Anna: Why?

Jake: His friend can do it so he wants to as well.

Anna: Is he ready for that?

Jake: We will find out tomorrow.

Britt: We will be back tomorrow to watch Ethan asked us.

Anna: You're welcome anytime you know that In fact, you can stay in the guest room if you want. 

Britt: Thanks for the offer but we will just come back tomorrow. In fact, we should actually head out because we have some errands to run. 

Anna: Alright well thanks for coming over and coming to the zoo with us.

Britt: No problem.

Jake: Tyler thanks for helping me build and I look forward to building the treehouse in a couple weeks I'll get all the wood then call you sound good.

Tyler: Works for me, I could actually come up with some ideas tonight and show you tomorrow?

Jake: That would be great man thanks.

Britt: Alright we should head out. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Anna: Boy's come and say goodbye to Auntie Britt and Uncle Tyler.

The boys ran over and said goodbye. Then ran into the house to get cleaned up for dinner.

The next day Jake was in the garage taking the training wheels off of Ethan's bike, Anna was making sure his helmet was on right, and Britt and Tyler were standing by Noah waiting for Ethan to ride.

Jake: Ok buddy are you ready?

Ethan: Yep daddy I'm ready.

Jake: Ok I'm going to help you get on then you have to find your balance I'll hold on to the seat while you ride.

Ethan: Ok daddy, let's go.

Anna walked out of the garage and stood with the others and waited.

Jake and Ethan made their way out of the garage and on to the driveway. Jake held on to his seat Ethan was doing well. 

Ethan: You can let go daddy.

Jake: Are you sure buddy?

Ethan: Yep.

Jake: Ok, I let go of the seat and watched him ride.

Anna and Jake just stood there watching there oldest son ride his bike they couldn't believe how fast the boys were growing up.

Anna: Look at him he's so grown up remember when we brought him home? 

Jake: Yeah he was so little we were afraid we would break him. Now he is riding a two-wheeler.

Anna: I'm really happy with how my life turned out I never thought I would be married with kids and if I hadn't met you who knows where I would be.

Jake: I feel the same I'm so glad I met you and we have this amazing life together I love you so much, babe.

Anna: I love you too.

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