12 Weeks

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June 4th rolled around the day Jake had to leave for Montana Anna was now 12 weeks along and things had been good so far. Jake woke up early that day he packed his bags while Anna was still sound asleep, he got showered and dressed then went to make breakfast. Jake got Ethan up and dressed him then made him breakfast. 

When Anna woke up she noticed that Jake wasn't in bed with her, she got up and got showered and dressed then went to find her husband and son. When she walked downstairs she could smell something good coming from the kitchen. She walked in and saw Jake standing at the stove his back was to her so he couldn't see her.

Ethan saw her and yelled mama she walked over to his high chair and said good morning and gave him a kiss she then walked over to Jake and hugged him from behind he turned and gave her a kiss.

Anna: Something smells great in here.

Jake: I made your favorite pancakes there is also fresh fruit I made bacon in case you want some.

Anna: This looks great but you didn't have to do all of this.

Jake: Yes I did I leave tonight I'll be gone for 10 weeks I want to spend this whole day with the two of you because I'm going to miss you so much.

Anna: We are going to miss you too. So what do you have planned for today?

Jake: I was thinking after breakfast we could take a walk maybe go to the park then we can come back here relax a little I can play with Ethan.

Anna: That sounds like a great Idea I said as I took a bite of the pancakes Jake made me. Babe these are so good I'm going to miss your pancakes.

Jake: I'm going to miss making you breakfast I'll be eating all alone at least you have Ethan to eat with.

Anna: We would come with you if we could you know that right?

Jake: I know you would but it's better if you stay here for the baby's sake I said as I put my hand on her stomach.

Once they had finished eating breakfast and cleaned up the dishes they got ready to go. When they got to the park Jake took Ethan to play on the swings Ethan giggled has Jake pushed him on the swing. Anna sat back and let Jake spend time with Ethan because he would be gone for a while. They set up a picnic lunch that they packed and just enjoyed being together.

When Ethan got tired they decided it was time to go home when they got home Jake put Ethan down for a nap and joined Anna on the couch where she was drifting off herself. Jake sat next to Anna on the couch Anna leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

Anna woke up about an hour later.

Anna: I'm sorry babe did I fall asleep?

Jake: You did.

Anna: I'm sorry we are supposed to be spending time together before you leave then I go and fall asleep.

Jake: Sweetie it's fine your pregnant I understand are you hungry I'll get you a snack.

Anna: Babe I'm fine you don't have to do that.

Jake came back with a plate in his hand he handed it to Anna.

Jake: Here you go cheese and crackers eat up.

Anna: Are you trying to make me fat we just had lunch not long ago.

Jake: I'm just making sure you are eating enough and I know you are hungry with Ethan you were the same way.

Anna just laughed and ate the cheese and crackers that Jake gave her they sat and watched a movie together. Jake heard that Ethan was awake on the monitor so he got up to get him and brought him into the family room so that they could play together. 

Jake's car arrived to pick him up at six that night. Jake made sure he had everything before saying goodbye to his family. Anna started to cry.

Jake: Baby don't cry.

Anna: I'm sorry it's the hormones I'm fine I promise.

Jake: I love you so much babe I'm going to miss you.

Anna: I love you too and I'm going to miss you we both are I said as I put my hand on my stomach.

Jake: I put my hand on hers then kissed her stomach I stood back up and gave her a kiss and hugged her tight before I let her go and said goodbye to Ethan I told him I loved him and gave him a kiss and a hug.

Anna: Call me when you get there ok.

Jake: I will babe I promise I gave her one last kiss then grabbed my bags and went out the door.

Ethan started to cry when Jake left so Anna picked Ethan up and hugged him trying to calm him down she walked with him to the couch, then sat down and put him on her lap and read him a story.

Jake was in the car heading to the airport when he told the driver he had to make a quick stop when he got to his stop he got out of the car and walked to the door. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. The door opened and Jake smiled at Britt as she invited him in.

Jake: Hey I'm on my way to the airport so I will be quick.

Britt: Hey Jake what are you doing here?

Jake: I need to ask you something.

Britt: okay.

Jake: While I'm gone can you check on Anna for me you're the only one who knows about the baby I just want them to be safe.

Bitt: Does Anna know about this?

Jake: No if she did she would say she doesn't need to be checked on that she can handle everything by herself.

Britt: Ok I will find some way to check in without her knowing you asked me.

Jake: Thank you so much I really appreciate it.

Britt: Anything for you guys, good luck with the movie I said as I gave him a hug.

Jake: Thanks I should go now I said as I left her place and got back in the car and headed to the airport.

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