I Trusted You

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After Tyler left the house, Anna called Noah into the house so she could talk to him.

Anna: Noah.

Noah: Yes, mommy?

Anna: I want to talk about what happened at the park. Was daddy watching you?

Noah: We were playing on the swings then daddy's phone rang he walked away to take the call.

Anna: Did you try to tell daddy before running off?

Noah: I got off the swing and tried to tell daddy I wanted to see the puppy, but he said he was busy and went back to the phone so I ran off so I could see the puppy.

Anna: Ok, go back out and play while I make lunch.

Noah: Are you mad at me, mommy?

Anna: No, buddy.

Noah: Are you mad at daddy?

Anna: A little, don't worry, go play.

Noah ran back outside to play with Ethan, while Anna started on lunch for the boys. Anna was making sandwiches when her phone went off.

Anna: Hello?

Jake: Anna, I am so sorry about the park.

Anna: I trusted you to watch him, Jake.

Jake: I know I messed up again.

Anna: You told Tyler you would watch him while he went to the car, why weren't you watching him?

Jake: I was then I got a phone call, so I stepped away to take it.

Anna: Why didn't you tell them to call you back?

Jake: It was an important call.

Anna: More important than our son?

Jake: Look, I said I was sorry, It won't, happen, again.

Anna: I don't know if I can trust you again. I have to go I'm making lunch.

Jake: Please give me another chance to see Noah.

Anna: Fine, but I will be there next time you will not be alone with him.

Jake: Fine.

Anna hung up the phone and went back to making lunch for the boys. Once lunch was ready, Anna called the boys in to wash their hands.

They all sat down and ate together when they were done, the boys went upstairs to play, and Anna did the dishes.

Later on in the night, Anna was watching tv while the boys were getting ready for bed when her phone went off she saw it was Britt, so she answered.

Anna: Hey, Britt, what's up?

Britt: Hey just called to see how it went with Noah today.

Anna: Tyler didn't tell you what happened?

Britt: Nope.

Anna: Jake, wasn't watching Noah and he ran off then Jake couldn't find him.

Britt: What do you mean he wasn't watching him what was he doing?

Anna: He stepped away to take a phone call, and Noah tried to tell him he was going, but Jake said he was busy, so Noah just walked off.

Britt: Wow, where was Tyler I thought he was going with him.

Anna: He did Tyler went to the car to get a snack for Noah and told Jake to watch him, Jake, said he would then he didn't.

Britt: Did Jake at least call to apologize?

Anna: He did, but I told him next time he sees Noah I will be there with him, I don't trust him to be alone with Noah.

Britt: I'm sorry today didn't go as planned.

Anna: It's ok Noah still had a good time, so that's what counts. I have to go the boys are getting ready for bed, I'll talk to you later.

Britt: I'll stop by tomorrow, ok?

Anna: Sounds good see you tomorrow.

Britt: Bye.

Anna: Bye.

Anna hung up the phone and went upstairs to tuck the boys into bed. When she finished tucking the boys in she went back to the family room to watch tv she sat there and thought about how she used to sit and cuddle with Jake while they watched tv.

She couldn't believe this is where she was in her marriage, Jake living in a hotel and her at the house with the kids. Ethan is afraid of his father and Noah wanting Jake to move back home.

Anna watched tv for a while longer before turning it off and going to bed herself. As she was walking upstairs her phone went off it was a text from Jake saying he was sorry and that she could trust him.

Anna went to her room, got in bed, and turned out the light praying tomorrow would be better.

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