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When Anna and Jake got back from the cabin the first thing Anna did was call Brittany. 

Anna: Britt I need you to come over I have big news. 

Britt: What's going on is everything ok?

Anna: I'll tell you when you get here.

Britt: I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Anna was waiting for Brittany to show up Jake said he was going to go get a beer with a friend so she could talk to Britt alone. As Jake was walking out the door Brittany walked in.

Jake: Hey Britt?

Britt: Hey Jake how are you?

Jake: Great, bye Britt.

Britt: Bye Jake.

Brittany walked into the house and down the hallway, she found Anna in the kitchen pouring wine.

Britt: So what's this big news I rushed over for?

Anna: I held out my left hand Britt looked at it and smiled she looked at me and said...

Britt: You're engaged, oh my god tell me everything did you know this was coming?

Anna: I had no idea he had been planning this I mean we talked about getting married and agreed it's something we both wanted. 

Britt: So how did he do it was it romantic?

Anna: So romantic he rented a cabin at Big Bear Lake, made me a lovely dinner got down on one knee, he even asked for my dad's blessing I mean how cute is that.

Britt: Wow he pulled out all the stops. I think it's sweet he asked your dad. When I get married I hope he asks my dad.

Anna: The best part about all of it is he designed this ring just for me he didn't just pick one out. 

Britt: It's a beautiful ring he has good taste.

Anna: He really does. So the wedding won't be for a while but would you like to be my maid of honor?

Britt: I would love to be your maid of honor.

Anna and Britt shared a hug then sat and drank wine and talked more about the cabin and everything they had coming up. Jake walked in an hour later went to the kitchen said hello to Britt and gave Anna a kiss. Britt congratulated Jake on the engagement and told him what a great job he did on the ring.

Jake: Thanks, I worked on it for months I wanted it to be perfect for my girl.

Anna: Well I love it all your hard work paid off.

Britt: I should go I have to stop at the store before I go home.

Anna: Thank you for coming over I'll call you later okay?

Britt: Alright sounds good congrats again guys I'm so happy for you.

Anna went back to the kitchen stood next to Jake and wrapped her arms around him as he leaned down and started kissing her as they made their way to the couch as they continued to make out a phone started to ring.

Jake: Who's phone is that mine or yours?

Anna: Who cares they can leave a message I said as I continued to kiss him.

Jake: Your right nothing is going to interrupt us. I spoke too soon as the doorbell rang. I went to get up but Anna pulled me back down and said where are you going?

Jake: I'm going to see who is at the door.

Anna: Just leave it they will go away when no one answers that wasn't the case the doorbell kept going. I got up and answered the door It was my brother and sister in law.

Anna: What are you guys doing here I didn't know you were coming?

Mike: We tried to call but there was no answer.

Anna: Sorry we were busy we didn't hear the phone.

Mike: We can check into a hotel and come back later?

Anna: No it's fine, come on in its great to see you guys I said as I gave them both a hug.

Jake: Babe, who's at the door I yelled from the kitchen.

Anna: It's my brother and Liza.

Jake: Oh, hey guys great to see you again let me take your bags.

Anna, Jake, Mike, and Liza all walked into the living room together and sat down. Jake went to the kitchen to grab drinks for everyone. When he got back he sat next to Anna. 

Jake: So what brings you guys to L.A.?

Mike: Just wanted to visit my little sister since she has been so busy working.

Anna: Well I'm glad you're here because we have some news to share. Jake and I are engaged I said as I held out my hand.

Mike: Congrats guys that's great I said as I gave my sister a hug.

Liza: Anna that's such a beautiful ring.

Anna: Thanks.

The rest of the night was spent drinking, eating pizza, and playing board games. Anna set up the guest room for her brother and his wife. Mike and Liza went to bed early, while Jake and Anna cleaned up downstairs. Anna's brother and sister in law left a few days later. 

Jake: It was great seeing Mike and Liza.

Anna: I know I haven't seen them in so long because I've been so busy.

Jake: Well next time we are both free we will go visit them how does that sound?

Anna: That is a great idea we could catch a play or something?

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now