Taking Care Of You

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It had been a few weeks since Anna and Jake went on their date they talked on the phone a few times and agreed to go out again. When Anna woke up on Tuesday morning, she felt terrible her head was pounding, she felt sick to her stomach, but she knew she had to get up and make breakfast for the boys.

Anna was about to get out of bed when her phone went off she picked it up after the second ring.

Anna: Hello.

Jake: Hey, are you ok? You don't sound so good.

Anna: I don't feel so good, I think I have the flu.

Jake: Where are the boys?

Anna: Playing in their rooms, waiting for breakfast.

Jake: I will be there in five minutes.

Anna: It's ok, I can call someone else to help me.

Jake: No, don't call anyone; I will be there soon.

Jake hung up the phone and made his way out the door he was going to prove to Anna that she could trust him.

When Jake got to the house, he knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer he didn't have his key anymore, because he gave it back the same night he gave his ring back. Anna answered the door and Jake could tell she was not well at all.

Jake: Go back to bed; I'll check on you after I make the boys breakfast.

Anna: Ok.

Anna walked back upstairs, and got back into bed she closed her eyes and fell asleep, back downstairs Jake was making the boys breakfast.

Noah: How come you're here, daddy.

Jake: I'm here to help your mom she's not feeling well, so I'm going to look after you guys until she feels better.

Noah: Ok.

Jake: Are you guys ready for some scrambled eggs and bacon?

Ethan: Yeah, I'm hungry.

Jake gave the boys breakfast then went upstairs to check on Anna and bring her some ginger ale and crackers. When he walked into the room, she was sound asleep, he placed the crackers and ginger ale on the table and walked out of the room and shut the door halfway.

Jake went downstairs to see what the boys were doing, he found, them watching tv in the family room.

Jake: Hey guys, what do you want to do today?

Ethan: Can we have a water gun fight.

Jake: Sure go put your swimsuits on but be quite your mom is sleeping.

Both boys ran upstairs to put the suits on when they came down they ran to the backyard to fill their guns. Jake played with the boys for a while before going on to check on Anna.

When he walked in the bed was empty, Anna walked out of the bathroom and saw Jake, standing there.

Jake: Hey, how are you feeling?

Anna: Not great, where are the boys?

Jake: Outback having a water gun fight. I brought you some ginger ale and crackers, please try and put something in your stomach.

Anna: I'll try, I think I'm going to go back to sleep.

Jake: Alright, I will check on you a little later.

Anna: Thank you for being here.

Jake: I told you, you could trust me.

Anna smiled at him and rolled over so she could go back to sleep.

The next time Anna woke up she decided to eat some crackers and drink the ginger ale Jake had brought up earlier. Anna ate a few crackers and sipped the ginger ale she felt a little better, so she decided to watch a little tv.

The next time Jake came up, he brought some soup with him.

Jake: Hey you feeling any better?

Anna: A little I had some crackers and a little ginger ale.

Jake: Good; I brought you some soup.

Anna: Thanks, I'll try and eat some.

The rest of the day Jake continued to look after both Anna and the boys. Anna ate soup and was starting to feel better. Anna took a shower and put on fresh Pj's Jake walked in just as she was walking out in a towel.

Anna: Jake, what are you doing?

Jake: I'm sorry I didn't know you were taking a shower I'll leave.

Anna: It's fine, you just caught me off guard.

Jake: I just came to see how you were feeling.

Anna: I'm feeling better thanks for all the help today I couldn't have done it without you.

Jake: Anytime I'm always here for you.

Jake walked over to Anna and kissed her forehead then walked out of the room so she could get dressed. 

Jake left after he put the boys to bed, made sure Anna had everything she would need, and told her to call him if she needed anything. After he left Anna realized she could count on him after all.

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