Second First Date

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When Friday rolled around Anna dropped the boys off at Britt's. Then went home to get ready for her date. She stood in her closet trying to decide what to wear she had no idea where Jake was taking her and when he called to see if they were still on, she asked where they were going and all he said was it's a surprise.

Anna decided on a black dress some high heels she went into the bathroom to do her makeup and hair. Anna kept her hair down and kept her makeup simple.

When she walked down the stairs, there was a knock at the door.

Anna opened the door and saw Jake standing there holding flowers in his hand. There was something familiar about this situation he was holding the same flowers he gave her on their very first date. Anna also noticed he was wearing the same thing he wore the first time they went out a green dress shirt and black dress pants.

Anna: Hey, you look great.

Jake: Thanks, so do you.

Anna: Just let me put these in water then we can go.

Jake: Sure.

Anna walked to the kitchen, put the flowers in some water then grabbed her purse and keys off the counter.

They walked to the car and Jake opened the door for Anna then went to his side and got in. The drive to the restaurant was quite neither said anything.

When the arrived the hostess showed them to there table it was the same spot they sat the first time they came. Jake pulled her chair out for her, then sat across from her.

Jake: Is everything ok you seem kind of quiet?

Anna: I'm sorry I'm just nervous it's been a while since I've been on a date.

Jake: It's alright, just take a deep breath, and relax.

Anna: Do you know what you are going to have?

Jake: I think I'm going to have steak. What about you?

Anna: I think I'm going to go with the chicken.

The rest of the night went great they talked about the boys and Anna asked how his meetings were going they talked about maybe doing a family day with the kids.

After they finished dinner Jake drove Anna home he walked her to the door and told her he had a great time, Anna said she had fun as well Jake asked if they could do this again, Anna looked at him and said call me. Jake just smiled at her and turned to walk away he turned back and said, Anna?

Anna: Yeah.

Jake didn't say anything he just leaned in and gave her a perfect goodnight kiss when they broke apart they both smiled.

Anna: Goodnight, Jake.

Jake: Night, Anna.

Jake walked back to his car while Anna walked into the house. She went upstairs and changed her clothes when she came back down she looked at the flowers Jake gave her and flashed back to the first time she received those same flowers all those years ago.

Anna smiled at the memory before going into the family room to catch up on her shows. She got a text from Jake saying I had a great time tonight thanks for giving me a second chance I hope we can do this again.

Anna replied I had a great time to it was sweet of you to recreate our first date, thank you for the flowers I would love to do this again.

Anna sent a quick text to Britt letting her know that she had a great time on the date and that she hoped the boys were behaving, Britt texted back saying I'm glad your date went well and that the boys were having a great time.

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