Catch a Fish

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Jake, Tyler and the boys arrived at the campsite a few hours later. Jake and Tyler set up the tents while the boys played catch.

Back at home, Britt was helping Anna fold laundry after that they drank coffee and talked for a while before going to get their nails done.

At the campsite, Jake and Tyler finished setting up the tents then went down to the dock to do a little fishing. Once they set everything up, Jake helped Noah catch a fish while Tyler helped Ethan.

Ethan: Uncle Tyler, I think I got a fish.

Tyler: Hold on buddy; let's see.

Tyler went over and helped Ethan pull the fish out of the water once it was out Ethan held it up so they could take a picture and send it to Anna.

Ethan: Daddy, I got a fish.

Jake: That's awesome buddy, good job.

Noah was having a harder time catching one. Noah got frustrated and threw himself down on the dock. Jake walked over and told him it was ok he would catch a fish just like Ethan did.

They fished for an hour, but Noah didn't catch anything so Jake told them they would try again tomorrow. They went back to the campsite to make dinner.

Anna and Britt arrived back at the house, when Anna's phone went off she pulled it out and saw a text from Jake it was a picture of Ethan holding up the fish he caught.

Anna: My baby caught a fish.

Britt: Really.

Anna: Yeah, look.

Anna turned the phone and showed Britt the picture of Ethan holding the fish.

Britt: Look at the smile on his face. Did Noah catch one too?

Anna: I didn't get a picture.

Britt: Maybe he just didn't send it yet.

Anna: Maybe. So what should we do tonight?

Britt: Let's get the girls together and drink wine.

Anna: Sounds good, I'll get the wine you call the girls.

Anna left for the store while Britt stayed and called the girls.

Later on in the night Jake and Tyler made a fire so the boys could make smores, Noah was still sad that he wasn't able to catch a fish. Back at home, Anna and Britt were having a great time with the girls drinking wine and laughing.

Chrissie: So how are the boys doing?

Anna: They are doing great they love having Jake back.

Kelley: I'm really glad you guys were able to work things out.

Anna: So am I.

Shelley: Has it been hard adjusting to Jake being back?

Anna: At first a little but now it feels normal again.

Shelley: Well I'm glad you're happy again you guys are a great couple.

Anna: Thanks.

Jake and Tyler finished tucking the boys in then sat around the fire for a while and talked.

Jake: I want to say thank you for being around when I wasn't there.

Tyler: You don't have to thank me, I would do anything for you guys.

Jake: No I have to thank you, my boys, look up to you they love you, and I wasn't there when I should have been I'm glad you were there to help them and Anna.

Tyler: Britt was there for Anna more than I was.

Jake: I'm just glad she wasn't alone.

Tyler: We would never let that happen.

Jake and Tyler talked for a while, then went to sleep. At the house, everyone crashed on the floor or the couches after drinking lots of wine. Anna and Britt had a great time with the girls.

The next morning Anna was the first one awake she got up and made coffee. Britt woke up next and helped Anna start breakfast.

Tyler woke up first and made coffee while Jake was still asleep, the boys woke up ten minutes after Tyler.

Noah: Uncle Tyler, can you make us something to eat?

Tyler: Sure, go play with Ethan while I make you something to eat.

The boys ran off to play while Tyler started cooking. The boys were starting to eat when Jake woke up.

Jake: Hey guys, how did you sleep?

Ethan: Good.

Jake: Hey, Ty, thanks for making breakfast for them.

Tyler: No, problem.

Later on in the day, they went back to the dock so that Noah could try and catch a fish. They fished for twenty minutes before Noah finally caught his first fish.

Noah: Daddy daddy, look I got one.

Jake: Good job buddy. Hold it up high so I can take a picture to show mommy.

Jake sent the picture off to Anna. Britt heard Anna's phone go off, so she picked it up.

Britt: Hey, Anna Noah caught a fish Jake sent a picture.

Anna: Let me see.

Britt handed the phone to Anna so she could see the picture. Anna was happy that both boys were able to catch a fish.

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