I Have to Go

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Two days later Jake left for the airport when he tried to give Anna a kiss goodbye she pulled away and said have a safe flight. Ethan and Noah begged him not to leave, but he left anyway. While on the plane he kept thinking about Anna and how they never left each other while they were angry. When Jake landed, he was taken to where he was staying so he could settle in before he started filming.

While Jake was unpacking, he tried to call Anna to tell her he had landed and was at his place the phone rang a few times then it went to her voicemail. Hey, Anna just wanted to let you know that I'm at my place call me back, I love you. 

Anna got his voicemail but decided not to call him back she was still angry that he left and really didn't want to talk to him plus she was busy making the boys dinner and helping them with their homework.

Ethan: Mommy what are we having for dinner?

Anna: We are having your favorite Mac & Cheese.

Ethan: Yes.

Anna: Go wash your hand's and get your brother okay?

Ethan: Okay mommy.

Anna set the table and grabbed milk for the boys. Her phone rang again she saw it was Jake, and ignored the call. When her phone rang again, she was ready to turn it off when she saw it was Britt she picked it up.

Anna: Hey Britt I'm busy making dinner can I call you back later?

Britt: Yeah sure I was actually wondering if I could drop by?

Anna: Sure I'll see you soon.

Anna hung up the phone and went back to putting dinner on the table. The boys came over to the table and waited for their mom to join them just as Anna was about to sit she heard someone walk in.

Britt: It's just me don't freak out.

Anna: Hey, come join us, I'll grab you a plate.

Ethan: Auntie Britt you can sit next to me since my daddy isn't here.

Britt: Okay. Hi Noah how are you?

Noah: Sad my daddy left me.

Britt gave Noah a hug and sat next to Ethan then waited for Anna to come back to the table. When they were finished the boys asked if they could go play, Anna said yes, and the boys took off.

Britt: Have you talked to Jake since he left?

Anna: Nope he called and left a voicemail.

Britt: He's going to start to worry.

Anna: Well I'm still mad, and I'm not going to talk to him until I'm ready so he can worry for a while.

Britt: What about the boys are you going to let them talk to him?

Anna: Of course I am I'm mad but I'm not going to cut him off from the kids that wouldn't be fair to them.

Later that night Jake called again this time she answered but handed the phone to Ethan.

Ethan: Hi daddy I miss you.

Jake: Hey buddy I miss you too are you being good for your mom?

Ethan: Yep daddy Noah wants to talk to you.

Jake: Okay put him on.

Noah: Hi daddy when are you coming home I miss you?

Jake: Hey Noah I miss you too I'll be home in a few months I love you guys can you give the phone to your mom?

Noah tried to hand the phone to Anna, but she said to say goodnight to their dad because it was time for bed. Ethan took the phone and said goodnight to Jake and Noah did the same thing when they were done they hung up and went to bed.

While Anna was getting ready for bed her phone went off it was a text from Jake. Anna, please, call or text me back, I miss you, I love you, I'm sorry I left I know you're angry, but we should talk. 

Anna got into bed and turned out the lights she laid there for a while before she fell asleep.

Jake tossed and turned and waited for Anna to call or text him back when she didn't he decided to text her saying I'll give you space have the boys call me tomorrow. He turned out the lights and went to sleep.

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