Rough Night

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Anna and Jake put Ethan to bed then went back to their room Noah was crying in the bassinet Anna went over and picked him up she started to rock him hoping that would calm him down. Jake tried to take him but Anna wanted to try and calm him down by herself.

Anna: It's okay Noah your fine mommy's here I kept saying over and over but that didn't help.

Anna paced back and forth with Noah in her arms but nothing seemed to be working. 

Anna: Am I doing something wrong Jake why won't he stop crying?

Jake: You're doing great he's just having a bad day.

Anna: Ethan was never like this.

Jake: Every baby is different. 

Jake pulled out Anna's phone and Face-timed Britt she answered and said hello.

Britt: Hey Jake how are you guys hows Noah?

Jake turned the phone so she could see Anna trying to calm Noah down.

Anna: Britt he won't stop crying and I don't know why what am I doing wrong?

Britt: It's ok I'm sure you're doing fine I'm with the girls they say hello.

Next thing they knew Hailee had started to sing and the other girls joined in Noah started to calm down in Anna's arms when they finished singing Anna looked down and saw Noah asleep.

Anna: You guys are the best I love you and miss you.

Britt: We love and miss you too.

They hung up after saying goodbye Anna put Noah back in the bassinet then climbed into bed with Jake they snuggled up together and Anna fell asleep.

Later on in the night Noah woke up and started to cry Jake got up and got him so he wouldn't wake up Anna. Jake took Noah downstairs made him a bottle Jake fed Noah and burped him they stayed downstairs for a while. Anna rolled over in bed so she could snuggle with Jake but found his spot empty she got up and saw the baby was gone too. Anna walked downstairs and went into the family room when she walked in she saw both her boys sound asleep on the couch.

Anna put her hand on his shoulder and shook it Jake woke up and looked at her.

Jake: Hey babe why are you up?

Anna: I was looking for you.

Jake: We came down here so we wouldn't wake you up.

Anna: I can take him if you want to go to sleep.

Jake: No it's fine I have him let's go back to sleep while we can.

They took Noah back up and put him down then climbed into bed and went back to sleep. They were about to go back to sleep when they herd Ethan crying in the next room. Ethan normally slept through the night so he must have had a nightmare.

Jake: I'll check on him I said as I got up.

Jake walked into Ethan's room and picked him up.

Jake: Hey buddy what's wrong did you have a bad dream?  

Ethan: Mama I said as I tried to get down.

Jake: You want mommy.

Ethan: Mama I said again.

Jake put Ethan down and he ran off to find Anna.

Ethan: Mama I said as I ran into her room.

Anna: Hey buddy what's wrong?

Anna picked Ethan up and put him on the bed he snuggled up to her and she kissed his head Anna noticed his head was a little warm.

Anna: Do you have a fever buddy I said as I felt his head.

Jake: Is he warm?

Anna: Yeah I'll give him something for it I got up picked Ethan up and went back to his room. 

Anna took Ethan to his room gave him something for his fever then rocked with him in the chair until he fell back to sleep. Anna stood up and put Ethan in his crib then went to her room she was just about to get into bed when Noah started to cry Jake was already asleep so she went over to the bassinet she picked him up and noticed he needed to be changed. 

Once she finished changing Noah she put him back down then climbed into bed and snuggled up to Jake and went to sleep. At four in the morning, Anna shot up in bed when she heard Ethan crying she went into his room and saw he had been sick she picked him up took him to the bathroom and cleaned him up she put fresh pj's on him Jake came into the room when he heard noise he saw Anna holding Ethan and trying to change the sheet in his crib at the same time.  

Jake: Here babe let me take him I said as I took Ethan from her arms.

Anna: Thanks I have to change the sheet he was sick.

Anna put a new sheet on the mattress and took out the stuffed animals that needed to be cleaned. Jake tried to put Ethan back in his crib but he didn't want to go Jake passed Ethan to Anna when he reached for her. Anna took him and just held him in her arms and cuddled him.

Jake: Do you want me to stay with you?

Anna: I'm ok check on Noah for me.

Jake: Ok I gave her a kiss and one to Ethan then left the room Noah was sound asleep so I got back in bed and tried to go back to sleep.

Anna eventually got Ethan to go back to bed she sat in the chair in the corner for a while in case he woke up again she wound up falling asleep in the chair.   

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