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A week after Valentine's Day Anna was in the kitchen making dinner when Ethan ran in.

Ethan: Mommy can Molly come over and play after school tomorrow?

Anna: If it's ok with her parents then yes.

Ethan: Thanks, mommy.

Ethan ran out of the kitchen to play with his brother. Jake came in through the back door and went to the fridge to grab a drink.

Anna: Hey babe how's the building going?

Jake: Good I'm almost done.

Anna: That's great.

Noah: Mommy Ethan said he has a friend coming over tomorrow.

Anna: He might why would you like to have someone over.

Noah: No thank you, mommy.

Anna: Are you sure it might be fun.

Noah: I'm ok. Can I have a juice box, please?

Anna: Sure baby I'll get you one.

Noah grabbed the juice box and left the room.

Anna: I'm worried about him something's going on.

Jake: What makes you say that?

Anna: He doesn't want to play with other kids the teacher said he sits alone.

Jake: Babe he's fine, he's just quite.

Anna: No there's more to it than that something is going on maybe he is being bullied?

Jake: Hey don't jump to any conclusions let's just talk to him and see what is going on.

Anna: Okay we will talk to him after dinner.

After dinner, Jake and Anna sat with Noah in the family room so they could talk.

Noah: Am I in trouble mommy?

Anna: No baby we were just wondering if there is anything you want to talk about?

Noah: No mommy.

Jake: Are you sure buddy? You can tell us anything.

Noah: I know daddy.

Anna: Your teacher said that you sit alone a lot, how come?

Noah: I don't know.

Jake: Is someone picking on you?

Noah: I don't want to talk anymore can I go to my room?

Jake: Sure buddy we will be up soon to tuck you in.

Noah: Ok I love you.

Anna: We love you too.

After Noah went upstairs Anna and Jake sat there looking at each other.

Anna: What do we do now?

Jake: I'm not sure we don't have any evidence that he is being picked on.

Anna: He didn't say no when you asked him though.

Jake: He didn't say yes either I'll try talking to him when I tuck him in.

Anna: Or I could try.

Jake: Whatever you want to do is fine.

Anna: Maybe Ethan knows something?

Jake: We could ask him. Ethan, can you come here?

Ethan ran down the stairs and into the family room where his parents were.

Ethan: Yes daddy.

Anna: Hey buddy, we just need to ask you some questions.

Ethan: Okay.

Jake: Ethan do you know if Noah has any friends at school?

Ethan: I don't think so I never see him with anyone.

Anna: Do you know if someone is picking on him?

Ethan: I'm not allowed to say, mommy, I said I wouldn't tell.

Jake: If someone is hurting your brother you need to tell us now.

Ethan stood there looking at the ground avoiding eye contact.

Anna: Ethan you won't be in trouble, but you need to tell us.

Ethan: Noah told me that someone is picking on him.

Anna: Thank you for telling us, now we can help your brother.

Ethan: You can't I said I wouldn't tell.

Jake: Hey you did the right thing you are not in trouble everything is fine ok go get ready for bed we will be up soon.

Ethan: Ok daddy.

Jake and Anna talked a little longer before tucking in the boys, Anna went to say goodnight to Noah when she walked in she saw him crying.

Anna: Noah, what's wrong buddy?

Noah: I don't have any friends at school mommy they're mean to me.

Anna: All of them, or just one?

Noah: Two Bobby and Trent they always pick on me and push me down.

Anna: I'm glad you told me now daddy and I can fix it.

Noah: How?

Anna: You don't have to worry about that. Time for bed ok.

Noah: Okay can you read me a story?

Anna: Of course.

Anna read Noah a story, tucked him in and said goodnight after saying goodnight to Ethan she went to her room. When Jake walked in he saw that Anna was upset, so he sat beside her and put his hand on her knee and waited for her to look at him.

Anna: He's being picked on Jake.

Jake: We will figure it out.

Anna: He has no friends when I saw him crying it broke my heart; how can they not like him he's such a sweet boy.

Jake: Hey, everything will be fine, I will fix this, I will not let him down or you.

Anna: He gave me their names.

Jake: Great, I will talk to the teacher when I drop them off tomorrow. You have breakfast with Britt, so I will handle this.

Anna: I can reschedule she will understand.

Jake: I will take care of it don't worry have breakfast, and when you get back everything will be solved.

The next day Jake talked to the teacher and principle, the boy's parents were called, and the whole problem was sorted out the parents apologized to Jake, and the boys apologized to Noah.

When Anna got home she found Jake in the kitchen.

Anna: How did it go?

Jake: Everything went fine they apologized, their parents punished them the teacher is going to keep an eye on them, and Noah even talked to someone today a little girl sat next to him, and he started talking to her. 

Anna: Really?

Jake: Yep, I told you I wouldn't let you guys down.

Anna: You're amazing, I love you so much.

Jake: I love you too. Oh, Ethan talked to Molly, and the Playdate is set for tomorrow after school.

Anna: Perfect.

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