20-Week Scan

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A couple of days later It was time for Anna's appointment Anna was waiting for both Hailee and Britt. Ethan walked over to Anna and wrapped his arms around her leg, she ran her fingers through his hair.

Anna: Hailee will be here soon buddy to play with you.

Ethan: Mama up.

Anna: I can't right now buddy I'm busy I said as I cleaned the counter off.

The doorbell rang so Anna went to answer she opened the door and saw Hailee standing there.

Anna: Hey come on in.

Hailee: Hey how are you feeling you look great.

Anna: I don't look great I'm getting bigger.

Hailee: You look amazing.

Anna: Well thanks for saying that I was about to walk away when the doorbell rang again.

Anna opened the door and Britt was standing there.

Britt: Hey are you ready to go?

Anna: In a minute just have to go over some stuff with Hailee come on in.

Britt came into the house and walked down the hallway with Anna to the family room where Ethan was playing with Hailee.

Anna: Ok so just a few things please make sure the gate is closed at all times he likes to try and go up the stairs. There are snacks in the fridge if he gets hungry. Clean shirts are in the second drawer of his dresser. He loves stories so he might bring you lots of books. If he needs to be changed the diaper bag is in the hallway or you can just go upstairs I think that is everything but I have my cell so you can just call.

Hailee: You don't have to worry we will be fine we are going to have lots of fun right Ethan.

Ethan: Yeah.

Anna: Ok we will be back soon I said as I gave Ethan a hug and a kiss goodbye, you be a good boy for Hailee okay? Hailee thank you so much for watching him.

Hailee: No problem anytime you know how much I love hanging out with him. 

Anna: Alright have fun we will be back in a little while I said as Britt and I walked out the door.

Anna and Britt were waiting for the doctor to come into the room.

Dr. Smith: Hello Anna how are you feeling today? I see you brought someone new with you.

Anna: Dr. Smith I'm feeling great mostly just tired. Jake is in Montana so I brought my best friend Brittany.

Dr. Smith: Nice to meet you, Brittany. Alright, Anna if you can hop on the table and we will take a look at your baby. 

Britt helped Anna get on the table she leaned back and lifted her shirt so the doctor could start the ultrasound.

Dr. Smith: Everything looks good baby is right on track moving around a lot has the baby been kicking?

Anna: Yep likes to kick at night when I'm trying to sleep I laughed as he moved the wand over my stomach.

Dr. Smith: Would you like to know the sex of the baby?

Anna: Actually could you write it down and put it in an envelope and give it to Britt we are doing a gender reveal.

Dr. Smith: Yep no problem I'll just move the wand around so if you'll both turn away from the screen I can see and write it down.

Anna and Britt both looked away while the doctor wrote it down and put it in an envelope and sealed it. When he was done he handed it to Britt and cleaned Anna up and helped her sit up.

Dr. Smith: Alright Anna I will see you in a month remember to take it easy.

Anna: I will do my best remember I have a toddler I laughed as I got off the table and walked to the desk to make my next appointment. 

As they were walking to the car Britt's cell went off she saw it was Jake so she answered.

Britt: Hey what's up?

Jake: Hey are you with Anna right now?

Britt: I am what's up?

Jake: Can we talk in private.

Britt: Yeah one sec Anna I'll meet you at the car ok I have to take this call.

Anna: Ok sounds good.

Britt: Ok Jake what's up.

Jake: I'm coming back early so I'll make the gender reveal party on the weekend.

Britt: Anna told me we were just going to face-time you.

Jake: We wrapped early so I'll be back but I want to surprise her and just show up at the party can you keep this secret, please.

Britt: Ok I'll keep your secret only because I can't wait to see the look on her face when you show up.

Jake: Thank you so much, Britt, you're the best. I have to go but I'll text you later ok?

Britt: Alright talk to you later bye.

Jake: Bye.

Britt hung up from her call and walked to the car to take Anna back to her place. When they arrived home Anna and Britt saw Ethan sound asleep on Hailee, Hailee went to stand up but Anna stopped her.

Anna: It's fine you don't have to get up I said as a sat on the couch. Was he good for you?

Hailee: He was great we played cars, we shared some fruit, I read some books.

Anna: Sounds like you had a good time.

Hailee: We had a great time he fell asleep while I was reading the fourth book he brought me.

Anna: Would you guys like to stay for a while or do you have to go?

Hailee and Britt: We can stay Ethan continued to sleep on Hailee and Britt sat next to Anna on the couch.

They left an hour later and said they would see her on the weekend for the party Anna said goodbye and she would see them on the weekend then went to the kitchen to make dinner for her and Ethan.

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