Check Up

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A few days later Anna and Jake headed to the doctors for her appointment, when they got there she checked in when her name was called they headed back to the room and waited for Dr. Smith to come in. 

Dr. Smith: Anna, Jake it's great to see you both again, how are you feeling?

Anna: I'm good a little nervous.

Dr. Smith: No need to be nervous you've been here before.

Anna: That's true.

Dr. Smith: So do you have any questions for me before we start?

Anna: Dr. Smith I had Ethan early what are the chances of that happening again?

Dr. Smith: Anna, Jake there is a chance of it happening again but that chance is only 15% I can't tell you not to worry because I know that you guys will so let's just take this one day at a time. Let's check on your baby if you can just hop up on the table we will start.

Jake helped Anna get on the table she leaned back and lifted her shirt so the doctor could start the ultrasound.

Dr. Smith: Okay things look good it's still to soon to hear the heartbeat but everything looks good your due date will be December 19th.

Anna: You're birthday babe how cool is that.

Jake: That would be cool.

Dr. Smith: Alright Anna you can sit up now I said as I put the machine away.

Anna sat up on the table while the doctor wrote in her chart. 

Dr. Smith: Anna I will see you in a month remember to take it easy limit stress which I know is hard with a 14-month-old and make sure you take the vitamins.

Anna: I will make sure I do all of that and I know Jake will keep an eye on me as well I laughed as I got down from the table.

Jake: That's right I will be watching you It's my job I laughed as we walked out the door to make our next appointment.

When they got in the car to drive home Jake grabbed Anna's hand and looked at her.

Jake: I found out today that I leave to film Wildlife when you're 12 weeks I'm so sorry babe.

Anna: Hey no, it's fine we will figure it out.

Jake: I just feel bad because I leave for Montana and you will be here by yourself with Ethan.

Anna: I'm not alone I have my girls I'll be ok, Ethan and I will be fine we are going to miss you so much but we are going to be fine.

Jake: You know that I'm going to be calling and face-timing all the time right?

Anna: I know you will. So are you thinking you want to know the gender this time or should we wait and be surprised again.

Jake: What if we did a gender reveal this time that would be fun.

Anna: Yeah we will have Dr. Smith write it down for us I'll give it to Britt I'll ask her if she wants to set it up and if not then I'll see if one of the other girls wants to do it.

Jake: You know Britt is not going to say no to you she will do it.

Anna: I know but I'm not just going to assume she will do it I'm going to ask her.

When they got back to the house they let the sitter go then they went to the kitchen to feed Ethan his lunch. Anna fed Ethan while Jake was busy cleaning up the garage. Once Ethan was fed Anna brought him to the family room where he could play with his toys.

Ethan heard the door open so he went to see who was there he saw Jake, then said dada then held his arms up. Jake picked him up and hugged him. Jake set Ethan back on the ground then walked back to where Anna was.

Anna: Did you get the garage cleaned up?

Jake: I did everything is all put away in the proper boxes.

Anna: Did you remember to label them?

Jake: I did not I'm sorry I'll do that right now have you seen the permanent marker?

Anna: Umm I think I saw it in the kitchen I'll check for you.

Anna walked into the kitchen and found the marker in the drawer she grabbed it and handed it to Jake he took it from her gave her a kiss then went back out to the garage.

Jake: Ok babe everything is labeled for you.

Anna: Thank you so much that is going to make things easier.

Jake: There are a few boxes that are heavy so please don't lift them.

Anna: Ok I promise I won't.

Anna noticed Ethan was rubbing his eyes as she went over and picked him up he snuggled into her and put his head on her shoulder.

Anna: Are you tired baby I asked as I rubbed his back. 

Ethan: Mama.

Anna: Time for a nap buddy I said as I carried him to his room and put him in his crib.

When Anna came back from putting Ethan down she noticed Jake had made them lunch they sat and ate together just enjoying having a nice lunch where they didn't have to run after their son.  

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