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Anna was on her way back to her room to recover from the c-section, Jake went to the waiting room to talk to Britt.

Britt: Jake is everything ok?

Jake: We have a son and Anna is on her way back to the room.

Britt: Are they both ok?

Jake: Anna is fine.

Britt: The baby?

Jake: I only got a glimpse of him they rushed him off to the NICU he was having trouble breathing.

Britt: Oh Jake I'm so sorry is there anything I can do.

Jake: Yeah can you keep Anna company while I find out what is going on with the baby I know when I see Anna that's the first thing she will ask.

Britt: Of course I'll go right now.

Jake: Thanks I said as I ran off down the hall to get some answers.

Britt walked back to the room when she walked in she sat next to Anna.

Britt: Hey how are you feeling?

Anna: I'm alright a little sore. Where is Jake?

Britt: He went to talk to the doctors.

Anna: I have a little boy.

Britt: I heard, see we were right we guessed boy. Do you have a name picked out for him?

Anna: Not yet I want to see him first.

Britt: Good idea.

Anna: Do you know if he's ok?

Britt: I'm sorry I don't know anything I wish I knew something I could tell you.

Anna: I just want to know if he's ok if he's not I'll never forgive myself.

Britt: Hey don't say that none of this is your fault ok. I'm sure Jake will be back soon with an update.

Anna: I hope so.

Jake walked up to the counter in the NICU, Excuse me my son was brought up here I was wondering if I could get an update. The receptionist asked for his last name so she could bring it up on the computer.

Taylor: He is right in there I said pointing to the room.

Jake: Thanks I said as I walked towards the room. When I got to the room there was a doctor standing by the incubator.

Dr. Brown: You must be the father I'm Dr. Brown I'll be looking after your son.

Jake: I'm Jake.

Dr. Brown: You're here for an update.

Jake: Yeah I only saw him for a second before he was rushed off.

Dr. Brown: Well come in meet your son. Does he have a name?

Jake: Not yet my wife wants to see him first.

Dr. Brown: He's doing well right now he had a little trouble breathing at first but we have a tube helping him so he is doing better now he's 3lbs and 16inch long.

Jake walked over to the incubator and looked at his son he was tiny had lots of dark hair his eyes were closed so he couldn't see the colour he was covered in tubes but all Jake saw was his son nothing else.

Dr. Brown: You can touch him if you want just put your hand through the hole.

Jake: I reached in and touched his hand, then he grabbed my finger. Hey, buddy, I'm sorry you don't have a name you came early. 

After spending some time with his son he went back to see his wife. Jake walked into the room and walked right towards Anna and hugged her and gave her a kiss. When they broke apart Jake looked at Anna and said

Jake: You did great babe he's here.

Anna: Is everything ok did you see him?

Jake: I did, he's amazing, he is tiny, but he's a fighter he has lots of dark hair his eyes were closed so I'm not sure what colour they are. He's 3lbs and 16inch long. 

Anna: So he's ok?

Jake: Dr. Brown says he is doing well right now?

Anna: Who is Dr. Brown?

Jake: Oh sorry he's looking after our son.

Anna: Britt can you do me a favour?

Britt: Anything?

Anna: Will you go with Jake and see the baby take a picture of him so I can see what he looks like.

Britt: Are you sure?

Anna: Well I can't go so if I can't then I want his godmother to see him.

Britt: Godmother really?

Anna: Of course you're my best friend.

Britt: I would love to be his godmother.

Jake and Britt went to see the baby leaving Anna alone in the room when they got to the NICU Jake stopped her before they walked in.

Jake: Britt I want to warn you he is very small he's covered in tubes and wires he doesn't look like a newborn baby should.

Britt: Ok.

They walked into the room together and up to the incubator Britt looked in and saw the baby lying there.

Britt: He's beautiful, Jake he looks like you.

Jake: You think?

Britt: Oh yeah he is all you Anna will agree with me on this. I took out my phone and took a picture of him.

Jake: You can touch his hand just put your hand in the hole.

Britt: I did what Jake said his little hand grabbed my finger and held on he opened his eyes all I saw was blue just like his parents. 

Jake: I guess he has blue eyes.

Britt: Of course he does same shade as his momma. Hey, buddy, I'm your godmother I love you so much already. I said as tears fell down my face. 

Jake and Britt went back to see Anna when they walked in Britt hugged Anna.

Britt: Anna your son is amazing he looks like Jake but he has your eyes. I took my phone out and showed her the picture I took.

Anna: Wow he's so small I can't believe he's mine. You're right he looks like Jake.

Britt: See I told you she would agree with me.

Anna: You don't think he looks like you?

Jake: Maybe a little.

Anna: Babe he's all you except he has my eyes. He has so many tubes and wires, my poor baby.

Jake: I know babe but they are helping him I promise.

Anna: I know I just wish this wasn't happening.

Britt: He's a fighter Anna just like you.

Anna: We need to think of a name for him.

Jake: After what you went through you pick his name.

Anna: Babe I want you to help me pick.

Jake: All I want is his middle name to be Jacob. You pick his first name ok you went through a lot.

Anna: So did you.

Jake: Not as much as you did so you choose.

Anna: Ok, well I have four names I really like.

Britt: what are they?

Anna: Liam, Cayden, Aiden, and Ethan.

Britt: Those are great names how will you choose.

Anna: I'll say each name then we can vote?

Jake: Sounds good.

Anna: Ok, Liam Jacob Gyllenhaal, Cayden Jacob Gyllenhaal, Ethan Jacob Gyllenhaal and Aiden Jacob Gyllenhaal.

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