Family Night

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A week after Jake took care of her, Anna decided it was time for them to spend time together as a family. The boys had been asking if Jake could come over and play games as they used to Anna would say it wasn't a good time.

Anna was watching tv when she decided to call Jake and see if he had plans, Saturday night. Jake picked up after the second ring.

Jake: Hello.

Anna: Hey, how are you?

Jake: Fine, how are you.

Anna: I'm great; I was just wondering if you have any plans on Saturday?

Jake: Nope, what did you have in mind another date?

Anna: I was actually thinking, we could have a family night, take the boys to the movies or play mini golf.

Jake: That sounds fun I would love to have a family night ask the boys what they want to do, then text me back.

Anna: Ok, sounds good.

Jake: Hey, Anna, thanks for doing this it means a lot.

Anna: Well if we want this to work then we both have to put in the effort.

Jake: I'll see you on Saturday bye.

Anna: Bye.

The next morning at breakfast, Anna told the boys about family night they were both really excited and said they wanted to play mini golf. Anna texted Jake to let him know that the boys chose mini golf.

Jake said he would pick them up on Saturday night, that way they would only have to take one car.

When Saturday rolled around, Anna was getting ready when she noticed Jake's ring sitting on his dresser where she put it. She thought about asking Jake if he wanted it back but figured if he did he would have asked for it back.

The doorbell rang she told the boys to finish getting ready while she let Jake in. Anna went downstairs and opened the door.

Anna: Hey, come on in we are almost ready.

Jake: No, rush we have time.

Anna: Hey, boys, are you ready?

Ethan: Ready mommy.

Anna: Ok, let's go.

Anna followed the boys out of the house and locked the front door before getting in Jake's car. The ride there was kind of quite the boys talked to each other in the back, but Anna and Jake didn't say much.

When they arrived, the boys jumped out of the car and ran to the door, Anna and Jake walked behind them. When they got inside, Jake paid and, everyone grabbed a different color ball they made their way to the first hole.

Jake got a hole in one on the first try it took the boys two shots, and Anna got it in three. They continued to play Jake gave Anna some pointers and each hole she got better. The whole family was having a great time the boys were laughing, and Anna and Jake were holding hands as they watched the boys.

Ethan: Mommy, can we get something to eat, I'm hungry?

Anna: Sure, buddy; once we are done, we will get dinner.

Jake: Alright guys last shot let's see if we can win a free game.

Anna took her shot, but she missed, Ethan went next, and it went in both Anna and Jake were shocked Noah went next, but he didn't get it in. Jake, was the last one to shoot he took his shot and it went in just like Ethan's.

When they went to bring back the clubs and balls, the guy handed him two free games. Jake handed them to Anna, and she put them in her purse. They left mini golf and got in the car it was still early so Anna, asked if they wanted to pick up pizza and take it home.

Both boys said yes and Jake agreed as well they stopped on the way home, Jake ran in and grabbed some pizza and wings and drove back to Anna's. Anna opened the door, and the boys ran inside.

Anna: Hey, go wash your hands then come to the table.

The boys ran off to wash their hands while Anna grabbed plates and Jake grabbed drinks. Jake put a piece of pizza and some wings on each of the boy's plates, then put it down in front of them.

Jake put a piece of pizza on Anna's plate she smiled at him because he always used to do that. Everyone sat down and ate together the boys talked about how much fun they had playing mini golf and asked if they could do it again.

Jake and Anna smiled at each other, then told the boys that they would. After dinner was finished, Anna told the boys to go change into their Pj's and then they would play a game.

Jake: I'm really glad we did that tonight.

Anna: Me too, the boys had a blast.

Jake: I just want to say thank you for everything letting me see the boys going on a date with me for just letting me back into your life.

Anna: Well, you have been working really hard and you took great care of me while I was sick. You have proved that I can trust you.

Jake was about to respond when the boys came running downstairs. 

Ethan: Which game should we play?

Anna: Let's play something we haven't played in a while.

Noah: We could play hungry hippos?

Ethan: We play that all the time.

Anna: How about Scrabble Jr.?

Ethan: Ok, mommy.

They sat at the table and played together as a family and everyone had a great time. Jake helped tuck the boys in then went to leave he turned back and hugged Anna gave her a kiss on the cheek and said goodnight.

Anna said goodnight and shut the door.

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