Mother's Day

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Britt brought the boys back home the next day and spent the day hanging out with Anna, Britt wound up staying the night they had a few glasses of wine together, so Britt didn't what to drive home.

When Sunday arrived Britt got up early with the boys and started making breakfast for Anna, they made pancakes and cut up fresh fruit. Britt made the coffee, and the boys got out the card's they made. 

Once, breakfast was ready, they put everything on a tray and took it upstairs, they walked into Anna's room, Noah climbed up on the bed and snuggled with his mom.

Noah: Happy Mother's Day mommy.

Ethan: Happy Mother's day we have breakfast for you mommy.

Anna: You do I love breakfast.

Anna sat up in bed, and Britt put the tray on her lap.

Britt: Here you go pancakes fresh fruit and of course coffee.

Anna: You helped them make this for me?

Britt: Of course I did this is what they wanted to do for you.

Anna: You're the best Auntie ever you know that.

Noah: We made card's for you, mommy look.

Anna took the card's in her hand and looked at them. You guys are the best I love them did you make these at school?

Ethan: We made them at Auntie Britt's she helped us plan everything.

Anna: She did that's great did you say thank you?

Noah: Yes mommy.

Anna: Good why don't you go downstairs with Auntie Britt while I get ready.

Ethan: Okay mommy.

The boys ran out of the room, and Britt followed.

Anna: Hey Britt?

Britt: Yeah.

Anna: Thank you for helping with all of this you didn't have to.

Britt: I know but I wanted to I would do anything for those boys.

Anna: You're the best I'll be down in a minute.

Britt went downstairs with the boys and waited for Anna to get ready. Once Anna was ready she went downstairs to find the family room empty she looked in the backyard and saw Britt playing with the boys.

Anna walked out back and watched Britt kick the ball with the boys.

Noah: Mommy, come, play you can be on my team.

Anna: Ok.

Anna ran over, and starting playing with the kids when they got tired, they took a break to get some water. 

Anna: What would you guys like to do now?

Ethan: You get to pick mommy it's your day.

Anna: Let's get out of the heat for a while and play a game inside.

Noah: What game should we play?

Anna: Whatever one you want.

They all went inside the boys ran off to get a game, and Anna and Britt cleaned off the table so they could set up the game.

Noah: We got Candy Land mommy.

Anna: Good choice Auntie Britt loves Candy Land.

Britt: Your mom is right, it's one of my favourites.

They set up the game and began to play when Anna's phone started ringing.

Anna: Hello?

Jake: Hey Babe.

Anna: Hey how are you?

Jake: Good just on a break so I wanted to call and see how your Mother's Day is going are the boys being good?

Anna: They have been great they made me breakfast in bed they gave me cards and right now we are playing Candy Land.

Jake: They made you breakfast in bed?

Anna: They did Britt helped them they made me pancakes in the shape of hearts, and flowers it was very sweet.

Jake: I'm glad you are having a great day I'm sorry I'm not there with you guys look I have to go  they are calling me back I love you I will call you later.

Anna: Ok I love you too.

Ethan: Mommy it's your turn.

Anna went back to the table and continued to play the game. 

Later in the night, the boys were watching a movie in the family room while Anna and Britt cleaned up the kitchen.

Britt: Did you have a good Mother's Day?

Anna: I had a great Mother's Day, I can't thank you enough for everything you did, and for staying with us all day.

Britt: I would do anything for you guys. Plus I had so much fun today.

The boys said goodnight and goodbye to their Auntie Britt then finished watching the movie with their mom before going to bed.

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