The Proposal

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Jake and Anna were both on a break from filming Jake thought it would be a great idea to get out of town so he rented a cabin at Big Bear Lake for the two of them to just get away and relax. Valentines Day was the day after they got there so he thought it was perfect as they were packing their bags Anna went into the bathroom to get some stuff Jake took that moment to go into the closet and get the ring he bought from the dresser drawer where he had been hiding it since he bought it before Christmas. He went back to his bag and packed it he had everything he needed he had Anna's dad's blessing he had the ring and he had his girl.

They got to the cabin Jake put their bags in their room Anna walked around the cabin checking everything out. Jake came down the stairs and saw Anna standing in the living room Jake walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

Jake: So what do you think? Do you like it?

Anna: Are you kidding it's beautiful here.

Jake: So this was a good surprise?

Anna: It's a great surprise. Where did you get the idea to come here?

Jake: I had heard about this place before from some friends.

Anna: Really?

Jake: Yep, then I looked it up online and here we are.

Anna: Well it's perfect I can't wait to go into the hot tub.

Jake: Did you want to go in now?

Anna: We can wait till later right now we should unpack and just get settled get something to eat.

Jake: Alright sounds good.

Jake and Anna went up to their room and unpacked the bags, Once everything was put away they went to the kitchen to find something to eat. After dinner, they sat in the hot tub and relaxed enjoying the beautiful cabin Jake had rented.

In the morning Jake got up early and made Anna breakfast heart shaped pancakes and fresh fruit for Anna because it was Valentines Day. He put the food on a tray grabbed some coffee and orange juice then headed upstairs to surprise Anna. When Jake walked into the room he sat the tray down and gently woke Anna up. He leaned down and kissed her forehead as she stirred and opened her eyes and smiled when she saw Jake looking at her.

Jake: Happy Valentines Day baby.

Anna: Hmm Happy Valentines Day.

Jake: I have breakfast for you.

Anna: Really?

Jake: Yep, so sit up so I can put the tray on your lap.

Anna sat up in bed while Jake grabbed the tray and brought it over to Anna. He placed the tray on her lap and gave her a kiss. Anna looked at the plate and saw heart shaped pancakes.

Anna: Your such a dork I can't believe you made them into hearts?

Jake: I was going for romantic, not dorky.

Anna: I think it's sweet you went to this much trouble for me.

Jake: I know your not a big fan of Valentines Day but I am so I'll always do something for you on this day.

Anna: Well thank you for doing this, these look delicious and you remembered coffee.

Anna continued to eat her breakfast and even fed some to Jake while he sat with her. After they finished eating they showered and got ready for their day. They took a walk together then came back to the cabin and had lunch, then watched a movie. 

Anna: Hey babe what did you want to do for dinner tonight? Did you want to go out order something in?

Jake: Actually I'm making dinner for you tonight.

Anna: You are? 

Jake: Yep I have something really special planned for tonight.

Anna: Really can you tell me what it is?

Jake: Nope it's a surprise you'll have to wait. 

While Jake was cooking dinner Anna kept asking what was so special about tonight. Jake kept telling her she would have to wait and see.

Jake: It's Valentines Day babe can't I just surprise you with something romantic, please?

Anna: Alright I'll let you surprise me I'll go get ready and put on something nice.

Jake: Ok no rush I still have to make dessert.

Anna: I'm going to take a bath then get ready.

While Anna was upstairs getting ready Jake was putting the final touches on everything he went upstairs and got dressed while Anna was still in the bath. He put on a red dress shirt, black dress pants, and black shoes he skipped the tie and went open collar. He styled his short hair with some gel then grabbed the ring from his bag.

He had just put the plates on the table when Anna walked down the stairs she was wearing a beautiful red dress.

Jake: You look amazing.

Anna: Thank you, You look so handsome I love the red shirt.

Jake: Thank you, I was going to wear white but I decided because its Valentines Day I would wear red.

Anna: I like the red good choice.

They sat and had a nice romantic dinner for two with candles and wine, Jake cooked a great meal which Anna loved. They finished their dinner Jake went to get the dessert. He stood at the counter took the ring out of his pocket looked at it and smiled. He walked back to the table and put the cheesecake down while Anna was eating the cheesecake Jake took that moment to take the ring out of his pocket and get down on one knee.

Anna: Jake what's going on?

Jake: Anna, when I met you I knew we had something special, I knew I'd met my match. I cant picture my life without you. I want us to be together forever Anna Kendrick will you marry me?

Anna: Yes I'll marry you, I love you too. I leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss when we broke apart he slipped the ring on my finger.

Anna looked at the ring on her finger it was a platinum diamond ring and she loved it.

Anna: Did you pick this out by yourself?

Jake: I actually worked with a jeweler and we came up with the idea.

Anna: Did anyone else know about this?

Jake: Just your dad when I called and asked for his blessing.

Anna: You called my dad?

Jake: Of course, I wanted to do everything right and for this to be special.

Anna: I love you so much then I kissed him and said let's go upstairs.

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