Christmas 2012 Part 3

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Jake walked upstairs to Anna's room when he walked into the room she was curled up under the covers sound asleep. Jake walked over to the bed and sat on the edge he leaned down and gently kissed her forehead, Anna stirred and stretched and opened her eyes and looked at Jake and smiled.

Jake: Hey sleepy head? 

Anna: Hey how long was I asleep?

Jake: About 2 hours.

Anna: What why didn't you wake me sooner?

Jake: I'm sorry I got carried away talking with your mom when I looked at the clock I realized what time it was. 

Anna: That's ok I'm glad you hit it off with my mom what did you guys talk about?

Jake: You mostly.

Anna: Oh god did she tell you embarrassing stories about me when I was little?

Jake: Nope not at all he said with a big smile on his face.

Anna: You're not a good liar you know that right.

Jake: It wasn't anything bad I promise they were very cute stories and pictures that she told me and showed me.

Anna: She showed you pictures too. I was asleep too long if you had woke me sooner I could have stopped her.

Jake: Hey don't be embarrassed you were a very cute little girl and you are still cute today. Plus you have seen pictures of me when I was little.

Anna: That's true I have and I've heard stories from your mom so I guess that makes us even.

They talked for a little longer when Anna heard the front door open her dad had arrived so had her brother and sister-in-law. They walked downstairs together Anna said hi to her father and gave him a hug then she hugged her brother and his wife. After everyone had said hi to each other Anna walked over to her dad and said this is my boyfriend Jake, Jake this is my father William. 

Jake put his hand out and said it's nice to meet you, Sir. William shook his hand and said nice to meet you too please call me William. Anna walked over to her brother Mike and said Mike I want you to meet Jake, Mike shook Jakes' hand and said nice to meet you this is my wife Liza.

Once everyone was introduced they made their way to the living room. Anna went back into the kitchen to find her mom. Mom everyone is out there why are you hiding in here? I'll be there soon I'm just finishing up in here. Jake said you guys talked what did you talk about? I was just getting to know him better I asked him about his family I know what he does for a living so I didn't have to ask that question.

Anna: So what do you think, do you like him?

Janice: Anna he is adorable I'm so glad you brought him with you. "He's such a sweetheart", a little shy at first but once we started talking he really opened up to me. 

Anna: I'm really glad you guys got along I really like him, mom.

Janice: I'm glad because he really likes you too. 

Anna: No I really like him I think I might even love him is it too soon. I mean we have only been dating for 3 months?

Janice: Only you know how you feel if you love him tell him.

Anna: I don't want to scare him off by saying it too soon. 

Janice: He loves you too I've seen how he looks at you and treats you that's love for sure.

Anna: You think so, I've never felt this way before when I'm not with him I want to be. He makes me laugh he's sweet and caring and just makes me smile all the time.

Janice: You're definitely in love you should tell him.

Anna: Thanks, mom.

While Anna and her mom were in the kitchen Jake was in the living room with Anna's dad Mike and Liza had gone upstairs to unpack there bags. Jake was surprised when William didn't sit there and question him they talked about sports William asked about his family Jake told him the same thing he told Janice, William asked Jake if he loved his daughter Jake answered with yes I do very much. All William said was good treat her right and we won't have any problems. William got up from the chair and went to the kitchen for something to drink.

When William walked into the kitchen he said hello to Janice then went to the fridge. When he turned back he looked at Anna and said I like him you have a good one there don't let him get away if he hurts you I will kill him. Anna just laughed and said ok daddy then walked back into the living room. William looked at Janice and said what do you think of him? Janice looked at him and I like him a lot he is so sweet to her, he loves her they make a great couple I've never seen her smile so much. 

The next few days passed everyone was getting along really well. Mike really liked Jake and told Anna she made a great choice. Christmas day was perfect everyone exchanged gifts Janice made an amazing Christmas dinner for everyone, and before they knew it it was New Year's Eve their visit was coming to an end. They watched the countdown together, everyone shouted Happy New Year.

Jake: Happy New Year babe, I love you here's to 2013. 

Anna: Happy New Year Jake, I love you too. 

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