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Jake took off to find his oldest son so he could work things out. When he reached Ethan's room, he knocked and pushed the door open. Ethan was sitting at his desk reading a book.

Jake: Hey buddy can we talk for a minute?

Ethan just sat there and ignored his father he didn't look at him or say anything just kept reading his book.

Jake: Ethan I need you to put the book down and look at me.

Ethan didn't listen to his father, so Jake grabbed the book from his hands.

Ethan: Hey that's mine.

Jake: You can have it back in a minute we need to talk.

Ethan: I don't want to talk to you.

Ethan got up from his chair and walked out of his room he ran down the stairs, and went to the backyard and went to his treehouse.


Anna: Why are you yelling?

Jake: I tried to talk to him, and he walked away from me.

Anna: Why don't you let me try and talk to him.


Anna: Fine, I'll go get Noah from his playdate calm down before you try to talk to Ethan.

Anna left to get Noah and Jake was still standing by the back door when someone walked in.

Britt: Hey Anna I have that book that you wanted. Anna?

Britt walked into the kitchen and saw a man standing by the back door.

Britt: Jake?

Jake: Britt can I help you with something?

Britt: I was just bringing a book by for Anna.

Jake: You don't knock you just walk in?

Britt: Anna told me just to walk in most of the time she is busy doing something.

Ethan: Auntie Britt.

Britt: Hey little man.

Ethan ran across the backyard and jumped into his Aunt's arms for a hug.

Jake: Ethan, say goodbye, to Britt I want you in the house now.

Ethan: I don't want to be with you. I want to stay with Auntie Britt.


Ethan jumped at the sound of his fathers voice Britt noticed how scared Ethan was so she decided to say something.

Britt: Jake I know this isn't my place, but I think you should lower your voice you are scaring Ethan.

Jake: Britt this is none of your business so you can leave now I'll tell Anna you dropped off the book.

Ethan: Please don't leave Auntie Britt.

Ethan stood by his Aunt and held on to her hand and didn't let go.

Jake: I need to talk to my son, so I need you to leave.

Britt: I'm sorry but, I can't leave.

Jake: He is not your son he is mine he has to do what I say.

Anna walked back into the house and heard shouting coming from the backyard.

Anna: What is going on?

Ethan: Mommy daddy is shouting and scaring me he told Auntie Britt she had to leave.

Anna: It's ok buddy Auntie Britt doesn't have to leave.

Jake: I need to talk to Ethan so she should leave.

Anna: You are being rude Britt has been a big help while you were gone she helped out when Ethan got hurt. She took me out when I was feeling down she helped plan Mother's Day you, should be thanking her not yelling at her.

Jake: The boys are getting too close to her Ethan won't even listen to me anymore, he only wants Britt I'm his father he needs to listen to me.

Anna: Right now you need to calm down because you are scaring the kids I don't know what happened while you were away, but you need to work through whatever it is.

Jake: What I need is for my son to listen to me when I tell him something.

Anna: Britt can you take the boys to the park for a while I need to talk to Jake.

Britt: Sure come on Ethan lets go get Noah.

Jake: He is not going anywhere.

Jake went to grab Ethan's arm, but Ethan hid behind his Aunt.

Anna: Britt go please I said as she walked past me.

Britt: Are you going to be ok?

Anna: Yeah I'll call you when it's ok to come back.

Britt placed her hand on Anna's back and walked into the house to find Noah once the boys were out of the house Anna and Jake went back to fighting.

Anna: You had no right to talk to Britt like that.

Jake: I can talk to her, however, I want to she walks in without knocking tells me how to talk to my own child.

Anna: I told her to just walk in she always shows up when I'm busy doing something, so I told her just to come in. You were scaring Ethan, so I'm glad she said something did you see the look on his face he is afraid of you why are you acting like this?

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now