Dropping In

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 Weeks had gone by since Jake left for Montana. Anna didn't realize how hard it would be without Jake. Anna would wake up get Ethan ready for the day and make him breakfast. Anna was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang she was too busy making Ethan his breakfast so she yelled for the person to come in.

Britt heard Anna yell so she let herself in and walked to the kitchen when she walked in Anna had her back to Britt.

Britt: Do you always just tell people to walk in?

Anna: I jumped at the sound as I turned and saw Britt. You scared me I said as I placed my hand on my chest.

Britt: Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.  

Anna: It's fine sorry I was busy I couldn't answer the door.

Britt: It's fine can I help with anything?

Anna: No I'm fine I have it, so whats up it's early everything ok?

Britt: Yeah just wanted to visit I haven't seen you guys for a while.

Anna: You saw us last week and the week before that what's up?

Britt: Nothing just want to see how you are you doing?

Anna: I'm good is there a reason you're checking on me so much?

Britt: No reason is there anything you want to talk about, you can tell me anything you know that right?

Anna: I'll be honest it's harder than I thought it would be. Looking after a toddler and being pregnant is not easy Jake's been gone for 8 weeks and it's hard doing this alone.

Britt: Are you feeling ok?

Anna: Yeah I'm just tired a lot I'm missing Jake I felt the baby kick last week and I couldn't share it with him. 

Britt: Have you talked to Jake?

Anna: Yeah I face-timed him right after it happened and I could see the disappointment on his face and Ethan was with me and he just kept saying dada into the phone and when we hung up Ethan had a meltdown because he wanted Jake.

Britt: I'm here to help is there anything I can do?

Anna: I have a doctors appointment in a few days would you go with me It's the 20-week scan.

Britt: Of course I'll go with you are you bringing Ethan?

Anna: No Hailee said she could watch him for me.

Britt: Are you finding out the gender this time?

Anna: Nope we talked before he left and decided to wait. 

Britt: Do you do this to torture me I laughed as I sat at the table.

Anna: We like being surprised it's fun we thought about doing a gender reveal.

Britt: You should do a gender reveal that would be fun I could help with that if you want?

Anna: We were going to ask you but I didn't want to put you through all that trouble.

Britt: No trouble it would be fun I could get the girls to help me.

Anna: When I talk to Jake tonight I'll ask him and see what he thinks.

Later on that night Anna had put Ethan to bed and Anna was lying in bed herself when her phone went off she picked it up and saw Jake was face-timing her. She answered and smiled.

Anna: Hi babe how are you?

Jake: Hey baby I miss you so much I can't wait to see you in a few weeks.

Anna: I miss you too.

Jake: How are you feeling?

Anna: I'm ok I'm tired I saw Britt today.

Jake: Oh yeah how did that go?

Anna: Great she is going to the doctor with me in a few days.

Jake: That's great babe, I'm glad you won't be alone.

Anna: She asked if we wanted to know the gender?

Jake: What did you tell her?

Anna: I told her we are waiting then I told her we thought about doing a gender reveal and she got all excited and said we should do it. She said she would do the whole thing and get help from the girls.

Jake: Do you want to do a gender reveal?

Anna: I think it could be fun.

Jake: Whatever you want to do babe I'm in.

Anna: Let's do the gender reveal we can have our family and friends there it will be special.

Jake: Alright let's do it. Babe, I have to go they are calling me back to set we are doing an all-nighter I love you so much get some sleep ok.

Anna: Ok I love you to goodnight.

Anna hung up the phone and placed her hand on her stomach as she heard Ethan crying so she got up and went to his room. When she walked into the room Ethan was standing in his crib holding out his arms Anna picked him up and he put his head on her shoulder she rubbed his back until he fell asleep again. She gave him a kiss then put him back down and left the room and went back to her room so she could get some sleep.

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