New Room Part 1

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Hey guys I'm back thought I was finished but I came up with a new one. Ethan is now 7 and Noah is 6. If you enjoy this and would like me to keep going let me know by voting or leaving a comment.

Anna picked Ethan up from school Jake was at home with Noah because he wasn't feeling well. When they got in the car Anna asked Ethan how his day was.

Ethan: My day was great mommy how was your day?

Anna: My day was okay.

Ethan: Just okay?

Anna: Noah wasn't feeling well so I was looking after him today so I'm a little tired.

Ethan: I'm, sorry mommy.

Anna: It's not your fault buddy.

Ethan: Mommy?

Anna: Yes buddy.

Ethan: Can I have a big boy room?

Anna: What's wrong with your dinosaur room?

Ethan: I'm too big for dinosaurs mommy.

Anna: What kind of room do you want?

Ethan: Hockey mommy.

Anna: Are you sure that's what you want?

Ethan: Yep, I love hockey we watch it with daddy and play outside.

Anna: Ok if you're sure that's what you want, then I will talk to daddy and see what he says.

When they got home, Ethan ran into the house to find his dad so he could tell him about his day. Ethan ran into the family room and found Jake sitting on the couch next to Noah.

Ethan: Hi daddy.

Jake: Hey, buddy, you have to be quite because Noah is sleeping. Let's go into the kitchen and get a snack.

Jake and Ethan walked into the kitchen where Anna was making a snack for Ethan. Jake walked over to her and gave her a kiss.

Anna: Hey babe how's Noah?

Jake: Still has a fever and his cough is getting worse. 

Anna: Did you give him anything?

Jake: He's been asleep since you left when he wakes up, I'll give him something.

Later on, once the boys were in bed Anna and Jake were in their room getting ready for bed. Jake climbed in and waited for Anna. Anna walked out of the bathroom threw her clothes in the basket then climbed into bed with her husband.

Anna: You'll never guess what your son said today.

Jake: What did he say?

Anna: He asked me for a big boy room. He said he's too big for dinosaurs.

Jake: What kind of room does he want?

Anna: He wants a hockey room.

Jake: Well he is seven maybe it's time to update his room it's been that way since he was three.

Anna: Yeah, you're right we should update it.

Jake: We can do it this weekend we can talk paint colours tomorrow.

Anna: Sounds good, If we do Ethan's room then we will have to update Noah's as well.

Jake: Okay both boys will get new rooms. We can ask Noah what he wants tomorrow.

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