Moving Back

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Today Jake was moving back into the house he apologized to the boys and Anna. Jake went to the hotel and started packing up his clothes and other belongings he checked out of the hotel got in the car and drove home.

When he pulled into the driveway, Jake sat in his car for a minute and thought about how lucky he was that Anna was willing to give him a second chance. He got out of the car and opened the trunk to get his bags.

Jake walked through the door and heard the boys playing in the family room. Anna walked downstairs and told the boys to settle down before they break something.

Anna: Hey, let me help you with those.

Jake: Thanks, I just have a few more things in the car I need to grab.

Anna grabbed the bags and brought them to the stairs so they could take them up once Jake came back from the car. When Jake came back in, he met Anna at the stairs and helped take everything up.

The boys started playing a video game while Jake and Anna were upstairs unpacking Jakes things.

Anna: I'll hang up your shirts for you.

Jake: Thanks I'm going to put my stuff in the bathroom.

When Jake finished he starting putting his other clothes in the dresser, Anna put Jakes shoes in the closet then sat on the bed.

Anna: I'm really glad your back I missed you.

Jake: I missed you too, I'm so sorry about everything.

Anna: Hey, we are moving forward the past is the past this is a fresh start for us ok.

Jake: Ok.

Jake leaned in and kissed Anna.

Anna: We should go back down the boys are waiting for lunch.

Jake: Sounds good, do you want me to make lunch?

Anna: No, I got it you can play with the boys, while I make lunch.

Jake: Alright, let's go.

Jake grabbed Anna by the hand and walked out the door and down the stairs. Anna went to the kitchen and Jake went to join the boys.

Anna finished making lunch and put it on the table; she called the boys and told them to wash their hands.

Jake helped Anna get juice for the boys and water for them then they sat down and ate together.
  Jake: Hey, guys we are going to have a bbq this weekend, what do you think?

Ethan: Sounds like fun can we invite Auntie Britt?

Jake: Of course, why do you ask?

Ethan: Last time she was here, you yelled at her.

Jake: I know I did buddy, but I apologized to Auntie Britt and Uncle Tyler.

Ethan: Ok, who else is coming.

Anna: Well we invited Auntie Kelley, Auntie Anna, Auntie Chrissie, Auntie Maggie, and Uncle Peter.

Jake: Your cousins will be here as well.

Noah: What about Auntie Hailee?

Anna: We did invite her, but she is really busy buddy.

Noah: So she's not going to come.

Anna: We don't know yet, buddy.

Jake: Hey if she can't come then we will have her over another time ok.

Noah: Ok.

When they finished eating, they cleaned up and went back to playing video games. Anna went to the grocery store, and Jake stayed with the boys.

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