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Jake and Anna were sound asleep it was 1 in the morning. All of a sudden Anna shot up in bed she was craving something she sat for a minute waiting to see if it passed like a few times before. When it didn't go away she shook Jake.

Anna: Hey baby wake up I said as a shook his shoulder.

Jake: Mmmm what's wrong are you ok?

Anna: Can you get me some ice cream.

Jake: Ice cream babe, it's one in the morning.

Anna: I'm craving Ice cream and we don't have any.

Jake: I sat up in bed and looked at her she gave me that look I just couldn't say no too. Alright, ice cream it is I said as I got out of bed found my shoes grabbed my wallet and keys.

Anna: You're the best husband ever.

Jake: Anything for you and our son I said as I kissed her forehead and rubbed her stomach.

Jake left the house when he got to the store he went to the ice cream when he remembered he forgot to ask what kind he tried to call but she wasn't picking up Jake figured she probably fell back to sleep so he just grabbed different kinds.

When he got to the checkout the clerk looked at him and began to ring up the items.

Clerk: Someone likes ice cream or you couldn't decide which flavor to go with.  

Jake: Pregnant wife I said.

Clerk: Makes sense now I said as I put the ice cream into bags. Is this your first baby?

Jake: Second I said as a paid the lady.

Clerk: Congratulations I said as I handed him his change.

Jake: Thanks have I goodnight I said as I grabbed the bags.

Jake got back in the car and drove back home when he walked in he didn't see Anna waiting like she normally did. He put the ice cream in the freezer and walked upstairs he was right she had fallen back to sleep he didn't know if he should wake her she needed her rest. Jake climbed into bed with her she rolled over and cuddled up to him Jake kissed her head.

Anna: Hey where did you go I said as I snuggled up to him.

Jake: To get the ice cream you wanted.

Anna: Oh thank you I'll have some tomorrow.

Jake: I just laughed and held her close as I went I went back to sleep.

A few nights later another craving hit this time it was 2 in the morning.

Anna: Jake, wake up.

Jake: What's wrong?

Anna: Nothing can you get me a cheeseburger and fries.

Jake: Babe it's 2 in the morning.

Anna: Yes and I am craving a cheeseburger and fries.

Jake: I'm sure it will pass try going back to sleep.

Anna: It won't pass the baby wants a cheeseburger and fries.

Jake: I rolled over so I was facing her stomach daddy says no cheeseburger and fries I said to the baby he responded my kicking Anna really hard.

Anna: Oh ok that hurt I said as I rubbed my stomach he didn't like that I said to Jake.

Jake: Do you really need fast food can't I just get to you a snack from the kitchen?

Anna: If you don't want to go then I will, I slowly started to get up but Jake stopped me.

Jake: No it's fine, I'll go I said as I got up.

Anna: I got up from the bed I'll go you clearly don't want to so I'll do it.

Jake: No I'm sorry I'm just tired I'll go you're the one carrying the baby the least I can do is get you whatever you want so please get back in bed and relax. I walked over to her and hugged her.

Anna: I'm sorry.

Jake: For what?

Anna: Waking you up in the middle of the night to get me food the hormones the mood swings I wasn't like this with Ethan so I'm sorry.

Jake: Hey you never have to apologize for any of that I said as I helped her get back in bed she looked at me and I could see the tears on her face. Don't cry babe I'm sorry okay I'm going to be more understanding.

Anna: You have been great I'm the one who is a mess.

Jake: You are not a mess you are my very beautiful pregnant wife that I would do anything for.

Anna: I love you so much.

Jake: I love you too, be right back do you want anything else.

Anna: Chocolate shake, please.

Jake: You got it.

When Jake got back with the food Anna enjoyed every bite she smiled the whole time she was eating Jake was happy that his wife was happy. When she finished they went back up to bed. When they got into bed Jake went to give her a goodnight kiss but Anna deepened it next thing she was on his lap.

Jake: Babe what are you doing it's late you should be sleeping?

Anna: I got a new craving.

Jake: Really and what is that.

Anna: You.

Jake: Are you sure you want to do this?

Anna: I know lately I haven't been interested It's because I just don't feel very sexy right now.

Jake: I think you are very sexy I said as I kissed her neck and rubbed my hands over her back.

Anna: I laughed as Jake kissed my neck you have to say that you're my husband and you did this to me.

Jake: I laughed at what she said and continued to kiss her.

Anna and Jake continued to show each other how much they loved each other Jake made sure he didn't hurt Anna or the baby and Anna just enjoyed being close to Jake since it had been a while. 

They cuddled together Jake kissed Anna's forehead.

Anna: Thank you for being so understanding.

Jake: I love you and will do anything for you.

Anna: I know but you're also a guy with needs and having a pregnant wife can't be easy.

Jake: It's not always easy but I have to think of it this way you're the one having the baby the least I can do is be understanding and If you're not in the mood that's ok. 

Anna: How did I get so lucky to have you in my life.

Jake: We can thank casting for End of Watch for us being together.

Anna: Do you think we would have met some other way?

Jake: I have no idea but I'm glad we ended up here because I can't imagine not having you in my life.

Anna just smiled and rested her head on his chest and drifted off to sleep.       

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now