Ethan Meets the Bellas

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A month after Ethan came home Jake and Anna were finally settled into their new life as a family of three. Ethan continued to be a good sleeper waking up three times a night. Anna and Jake couldn't believe how lucky they got with their son he was such a calm baby only cries when he is hungry or needed to be changed.

Ethan was finally going to meet the Bellas Anna called the girls and made plans to have them come over and meet Ethan for the first time. Britt was the first one to show up she wanted a little more time to bond with her godson. Jake was feeding Ethan when the doorbell went off. Anna was upstairs getting ready so Jake answered the door.

Jake: Hey Britt, come on in Anna's still getting ready.

Britt: Hey Jake how are you?

Jake: I'm great how are you?

Britt: I'm really good look at him he is so cute I said as I looked at the baby in Jake's arms.

Jake: Yeah he's a keeper I said as we walked into the family room. Would you like to hold him?

Britt: I would love to I said as I took Ethan from Jake. Once I had him in my arms I rocked him and talked to him. You look so much like your daddy little man. 

Anna: You guys look comfortable I said as I walked into the room. I sat by Britt and watched the two of them. Are you bonding with Auntie Britt I said to Ethan?

Britt: Yes we are bonding he's such a good baby.

Anna: He really is I said as the doorbell rang the rest of the girls were here.

Anna was about to get up to answer when Jake stood up and answered instead.

Anna: Thanks, babe.

Jake: You're welcome I said as I made my way to the door. When I opened the door the rest of the girls were there everyone came into the house we said hello and I told them where Anna and Britt were.

The girls walked into the room and saw Britt holding the baby they all took a seat and everyone talked to each other. Jake came into the room and asked if he could get anyone something to drink. Jake went into the kitchen to get the drinks.

Anna C: So how has it been since you brought him home?

Anna: Things have been good he wakes up three times a night.

Hailee: Wow that's good does he cry a lot?

Anna: Nope he's a quiet baby.

Kelley: You're lucky some babies cry all night.

Anna: I thought for sure we would be up every hour with him.

Shelley: Were you nervous the first night with him home?

Anna: I was nervous to bring him home but once we brought him home it really set in that this is real he is here now it's up to us.

Ester: Well you're a natural with him look at that smile.

Anna: Thank's, to be honest, I wasn't sure how I would be with him.

Rebel: Why?

Anna: Well we didn't take him home right away like most parents get to he spent months in the hospital and I was here so I didn't have all that time with him.

Chrissie: Well I think you are doing great with him plus now that he is home you can be with him all the time.

Anna: That's true I said as I rocked Ethan back and forth. I'll be right back I have to change him.

Jake: I got it babe, stay talk to your friends I said as I took Ethan in my arms.

Anna: You sure I can do it.

Jake: Yep I'll bring him back then he can bond with everyone.

Anna: Ok thanks.

While Jake was changing Ethan the girls talked, once he was done he brought Ethan back, and handed Ethan to Hailee so they could bond. Anna smiled as she watched Hailee talk to Ethan.

Anna: I think he likes you, Hailee.

Hailee: Really?

Anna: Yep he always smiles when you talk to him and he is staring at you and smiling.

Hailee: He's so sweet.

All the girls got a chance to meet Ethan and hold him when it got late the girls left. Jake and Anna got Ethan ready for bed. Anna changed him and Jake got his bottle ready and brought it upstairs. 

Jake: Here you go I said as I handed the bottle to Anna.

Anna: Thanks I said as I put the bottle in Ethan's mouth. You had a big day today meeting all these new people they all love you so much. 

Once Ethan was done Jake burped him and put him in the bassinet.

Jake: Goodnight Ethan I love you.

Anna: Goodnight baby I love you I said as I gave him a kiss.

Anna and Jake got into bed and cuddled up together they kissed each other goodnight and fell asleep. 

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