Letting It Out

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Britt just stood there and let Anna cry in her arms after about 5 minutes Britt pulled away to look at Anna.

Britt: What's wrong did you have a fight with Jake?

Anna: No we are fine.

Britt: Anna talk to me what's wrong?

Anna: I feel like I'm failing at this mom thing.

Britt: Why would you say that?

Anna: I have a newborn baby that I can't calm down and a 22-month old who I'm pretty sure hates me because all my attention is on the baby and not him. 

Britt: Hey things will get better Noah is only two weeks old and Ethan will adjust you are a great mom you love those kids so much I see it when you look at them.

Anna: I do love both my boys I'm just stressed Noah may look like Ethan but the personality is different he cries all the time I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I give all my attention to the baby which Ethan hates I don't know what to do.

Britt: What if you give Jake the baby then you take a few hours to spend time with Ethan?

Anna: I guess I could try that.

Britt: Did you just leave the house?

Anna: Jake told me to go he wanted me to relax. I didn't realize how hard it would be with two.

Britt: You guys will figure it out you always do are you breastfeeding Noah?

Anna: I pump so Jake can feed him.

Britt: Maybe try without the bottle see how that goes it might help.

Anna: I could try and see what happens.

Britt: Yeah when you are spending time with Ethan then pump but when your not feed and see what happens.

Anna: Thanks for letting me vent I should get back home and see if Ethan still loves me.

Britt: Your welcome and he loves you trust me.

After being gone for an hour Anna returned home Jake was folding laundry Noah was asleep in his chair and Ethan was playing on the floor with his cars. Ethan heard the door and ran down the hallway.

Ethan: Mommy's home.

Anna: I picked him up and hugged him tight Britt was right he still loved me. Hi, buddy, I gave him a kiss then set him on the floor he grabbed my hand and we walked into the family room. Ethan went back to playing with his toys.

Anna: Hey can I talk to you in the kitchen?

Jake: Yeah I got up and followed her, What's up?

Anna: I'm sorry about earlier I was just stressed I didn't realize how hard it would be with two.

Jake: It's fine we will figure it out it's only been two weeks.

Anna: I talked to Britt she helped me figure out what to do.

Jake: Okay.

Anna: I'm going to spend a few hours a day with Ethan just me and him you'll have Noah when I'm not with Ethan I'm going to feed Noah without the bottle.

Jake: That sounds good babe.

Anna: You're okay with that.

Jake: Whatever you think is going to work that's what we will do.

Noah started crying in the next room Ethan came running in.

Ethan: Baby cry I said as I ran to mommy.

Anna: I know buddy I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

Ethan ran back and stood near the seat on the table he touched Noah's hand and Noah stopped crying for a second. Anna and Jake just stood there watching Anna started to cry she couldn't believe how sweet Ethan was being to Noah. 

Jake: See I told you he just needed time.

Anna walked over and picked Noah up she sat on the couch with him Ethan got on the couch and cuddled next to her. Ethan got up on his knees so he could see the baby better.

Ethan: Baby I said as I pointed at him.

Anna: Yeah that's right baby Noah I said.

Jake took out his phone and took video and pictures so they could share this moment with family and friends. 

Anna: Would you like to hold the baby?

Ethan: Yeah.

Anna placed Noah on Ethan's lap and Ethan just stared at the baby and smiled.

Anna: Ethan can you give Noah a kiss?

Ethan leaned down and gave him a kiss, Anna then gave Ethan a kiss.

Anna: You're such a good big brother I think he likes you.

Noah started to cry in Ethan's arms Ethan looked at his mom then back at the baby he didn't know what to do.

Anna: I think he's hungry.

Jake: I'll grab a bottle.

Jake came back with a bottle and gave it to Anna she placed it in his mouth and he started eating right away he was hungry Ethan reached over and helped hold the bottle. When Noah was finished eating Jake took him so he could burp him. 

Anna: Ethan get a book and mommy will read you a story.

Ethan got off the couch and got his favorite book he climbed back up and snuggled up with Anna so she could read to him. Jake burped Noah then sat on the couch with his family. When Anna finished reading Ethan got off the couch and played with his toys Anna sat on the floor and played with him Jake took Noah upstairs to change him. When he came back down he handed Noah to Anna and started to make dinner. 

Once dinner was over they took the boys upstairs and got them ready for bed. Jake gave Ethan a bath while Anna gave Noah one. They got the boys ready for bed Anna read Ethan a story and put him to bed. She came back into the room and saw Noah laying on Jake's chest Jake's eyes were closed and his hand was on Noahs back. Anna grabbed her phone and took a picture and sent it off to Britt with the caption "look how cute my boys are." 

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