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It had been a week since Jake left to stay in a hotel he hadn't called to talk or see the kids Anna just went on with her life Ethan was starting baseball so Anna took him to buy everything he would need.

When Saturday rolled around Ethan had his first baseball game, but Noah had a check-up with the doctor Anna had forgotten all about the appointment until they called to confirm the day before.

Anna had to figure out what she was going to do she had already rescheduled his appointment twice, so she had to take, Noah for his check-up and take Ethan to his first game. She decided to call Britt for help.

Anna picked up her phone and found Britt's number it rang a few times before she answered.

Britt: Hey Anna what's up?

Anna: Hey Britt I need a really big favour.

Britt: Sure what's going on?

Anna: I have to take Noah for his check-up, and Ethan has his first baseball game so I was wondering if you could take Ethan to his game?

Britt: Yeah no problem Tyler and I will take Ethan to his game don't worry.

Anna: Thank you so much you're a life saver.

Britt: Have you heard from Jake at all?

Anna: Nope he is going to miss his son's first game, and Noah's check-up but I don't have time to worry about any of that right now.

Britt: Well everything is fine we have Ethan what time is the game?

Anna: Noah's check-up is at 12:40 and the game starts at 1:00.

Britt: Okay we will be there soon.

Anna: Thanks see you soon.

Ten minutes later Britt and Tyler showed up.

Britt: Hey we're here.

Anna: Hey thanks so much for doing this ok everything is ready to go his baseball bag is by the door he's putting his uniform on right now.

Ethan came running downstairs in his uniform.

Ethan: Look, mommy.

Anna: You look great buddy but remember you have to tuck your jersey in.

Ethan: Ok are you going to be there to watch me play?

Anna: I will be there, I have to take Noah to the doctor, and then we will be right over to watch ok. Auntie Britt and Uncle Tyler will be there to cheer you on.

Anna left with Noah, and Britt and Tyler hung out with Ethan until it was time to go.

Ethan: Uncle Tyler can you throw the ball with me before we go so I can practice a little?

Tyler: Sure buddy lets go out back.

Ethan and Tyler threw the ball for a little bit before they had to leave for the game.

Britt: Ethan it's time to go grab your stuff.

Ethan: Ok oh I need to fill my water bottle mommy forgot.

Britt: It's ok I can fill it go grab your hat and get your shoes on ok.

Ethan: Ok.

Tyler: I'll get him in the car while you fill the bottle.

Britt: Thanks I'll be right there.

Britt filled the bottle grabbed Ethan a snack and headed for the door making sure Ethan had everything he needed. Britt joined them in the car and they left for the game.

Noah's appointment didn't take long so Anna didn't miss much of Ethan's game. When she got there she saw that Ethan's team was winning she joined Britt and Tyler in the stands while Noah played on the playground not too far away where his mom was still able to see him.

Ethan stepped up to the plate they pitched the ball and Ethan hit it on his first try he hit it far enough to make it to the third base. Anna Britt and Tyler all cheered as he ran from base to base.

When it was Ethan's teams turn to go out in the field they put Ethan on second base. The other team hit the ball and it went right to Ethan he put his glove up in the air and caught the ball. Everyone cheered and clapped for him he had the biggest smile on his face.

Ethan's team won the game he grabbed his stuff and went over to his mom so she could give him a hug.

Anna: You were amazing buddy did you have fun?

Ethan: I had so much fun mommy I can't wait till next week.

Tyler: You did great buddy good catch on second base.

Ethan: Thanks Uncle Tyler.

Britt: You were amazing buddy.

Ethan: Thanks Auntie Britt.

On the way home they all stopped off for some ice cream to celebrate Ethan's win.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now