Calling It Quits

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Anna never heard back from Jake, so she decided it was time to do something. Anna was making the boys lunch when there was a knock on the door. Anna stopped what she was doing and opened the door.

Anna opened the door and found Jake standing there holding papers in his hand.

Jake: You filed for divorce?

Anna: I told you I was going to if you didn't make an effort.

Jake: Anna, please don't do this, I love you guys.

Anna: You haven't been around in months you don't call or come by.

Jake: I'm trying my best ok.

Anna: No you're not, you're drinking you look terrible like you haven't slept in days. I want you to leave.

Jake: Please just give me a chance.

Anna: I gave you a chance to get it together to come to your son's games. Now I would like for you to leave because I can't do this anymore I won't do this anymore we deserve better.

Jake: Can I talk to the boys for a minute?

Anna: Hailee took them to the park so they could play before lunch. 

Jake: Can I call them later?

Anna: I don't think that's a good idea.

Jake: They are my kids, too, I just want to talk to them.

Anna was about to answer when Hailee and the boys walked towards the door.

Noah: Daddy, are you coming home?

Jake: I just came to talk to your mom. Hi Ethan.

Ethan didn't say anything just took Hailee's hand and walked into the house.

Anna: I think you should go now.

Jake: I just want to see Ethan, I need to apologize for how I acted, for yelling at him and scaring him.

Anna: I don't think he is ready for that yet, please just leave us alone.

Jake: Fine, I'll leave, but I will be back.

Jake left, and Anna went back into the house Noah and Ethan ran off to play while Hailee was finishing up where Anna had left off.

Anna: Hey, thanks for doing that, I was right in the middle when Jake came by.

Hailee: No problem. Hey, when Ethan saw his dad he held onto my hand, does he always do that?

Anna: Yeah, he gets like that when he is scared, he did the same with Britt. 

Hailee: I'm sorry I interrupted you guys it looked pretty serious.

Anna: No, it's fine I filed for divorce, and he got the papers so, I think he was in shock.

Hailee: I'm sorry this is happening to you guys I thought for sure you would make it.

Anna: I thought we would too, but things changed he hasn't been my husband for a while now, and I can't sit and wait around for him I have kids to raise and a life to live.

Hailee: Well, you are doing a great job, with the boys, they are great kids.

Anna: Thanks, at first I thought that being a single mom would be too hard, but you and Britt have been a big help, so I appreciate everything you guys have done for me.

Hailee: We will always be here for you, we are family, and that's what family is for.

Ethan: Mommy, is lunch ready, I'm hungry?

Anna: Yep get your brother, wash your hands, and come sit at the table.

Hailee: I'll put these on the table.

Anna: Thanks I just have to grab some drinks and the fruit I cut up. 

The boys came downstairs and sat at the table with Hailee. Anna grabbed the drinks and fruit and brought them over to the table.

Ethan: Mommy, daddy isn't coming back, is he?

Anna: No, buddy, he just came to talk.

Ethan: Ok.

Anna: Do you want him to come back?

Ethan just looked at his plate and played with the fruit on it and didn't look at his mom or Aunt.

Noah: I want daddy to come home; I miss him.

Anna: I know you do buddy.

Ethan: Why would you want him to come back he scared, us and yelled at us.

Noah: I miss him.

Ethan: I don't want him to come back.

Ethan got off his chair and went to the backyard. 

Anna: I'll be right back.

Anna got off her chair and followed after Ethan she found him sitting in the grass.

Anna: Hey buddy are you ok?

Ethan: I don't want daddy to come back he scares me, please don't let him come back.

Anna: Hey, listen to me daddy is not coming back ok you have no reason to be afraid it's just you me and Noah ok.

Ethan: Ok, I love you, mommy.

Anna: I love you too let's go back and eat our lunch.

Ethan got up and walked back in the house Anna just watched him walk away she met Hailee at the door.

Hailee: I just wanted to make sure you guys were okay?

Anna: We will be.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now