Happy Birthday

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Anna and the boys were getting ready to celebrate Jake's birthday. The boys wanted to bake a cake for their dad. Anna helped the boys figure out what kind of cake they wanted to make.

Ethan: Do you think daddy will be surprised?

Anna: I think he will you guys are doing a great job on the cake.

Noah: Where is, daddy?

Anna: Daddy went to see Auntie Maggie.

Noah: When is he coming back?

Anna: He will be back later in the afternoon. Then we can surprise him with this party and the cake.

Britt: Hey, Anna, we're here?

Anna: Hey, come on in, we are just finishing up the cake.

Britt: The cake looks great, can I help with anything.

Anna: Sure, you can help me set up the table.

Britt: Does he have any idea you are having a party for him?

Anna: No, I think he thinks I forgot because I didn't say anything this morning.

Britt: Well, then he will be surprised when he walks through the door.

Anna: Yep.

A little later on before Jake arrived, Anna and Britt were putting the finishing touches on the party; while they waited for Jake.

Anna's phone went off; it was a text from Maggie saying they were 5 minutes away.

Anna: That's Maggie, they're 5 minutes away.

Everyone found a place to hide. When Jake walked into the house, he called for Anna.

Everyone: SURPRISE

Jake had a huge smile on his face; Anna walked up to him and hugged him.

Anna: You thought I forgot your birthday.

Jake: No, ok, maybe I did.

Anna: The boys have something special for you.

Jake: Really?

Anna: Yep, they have been working hard all day.

Jake: Where are they?

Anna: In the kitchen with Britt, she is helping them bring out their present.

Britt came out of the kitchen with the boys they were all singing Happy Birthday to him as they placed the cake on the table, Jake read what it said on top.

To daddy, we love you so much you're the best Happy Birthday.

Jake: Did you make this cake for me?

Ethan: Yep, mommy helped us.

Jake: I love it, thank you.

Jake hugged both boys and kissed them before cutting into the cake.

Later on in the night after the party was over and the boys were in bed, Anna finished cleaning up.

Jake: Let me help you with that.

Anna: It's your birthday you don't have to help me.

Jake: It's fine, well get the job done faster. Thank you; for tonight I had a lot of fun.

Anna: You're welcome; I'm glad you had a good time.

They finished cleaning up then snuggled together on the couch.

Jake: Best Birthday ever.

Anna: Really?

Jake: As long as I have you and the boys; It's all I need.

Anna: Happy Birthday, Babe.

Anna kissed Jake and snuggled up to him; Jake put his arm around Anna and pulled her closer, he kissed the top of her head and smiled. 

They sat together for a while and watched some tv before they went up to bed. Jake checked on the boys before he climbed into bed with his wife.

Jake and Anna said goodnight and cuddled up together before falling asleep.

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