The Next Morning

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Jake woke up the next morning he rolled over and expected to see Anna, but her side was empty. He got up so he could get ready for his morning run. He saw that Noah was sound asleep, so he left the room to look for Anna. He walked into Ethan's room and saw her in the chair asleep.

Jake walked over to the chair and put his hand on her shoulder, she opened her eyes and smiled at him.

Anna: Hey.

Jake: Hey both boys are sleeping you should go to bed you'll be more comfortable.

Anna: I can't believe I fell asleep here I said as I got up.

Jake: I can you had a rough night I'm sorry I couldn't help more.

Anna: It's fine Ethan wanted me and you did help you looked after Noah.

Anna and Jake walked back to their room Anna got back into bed Jake gave her a kiss and said he would be back soon. Anna just nodded her head and drifted off to sleep. When Jake came back the house was quite he went upstairs and saw Anna asleep he went to take a shower when he got out he heard Noah so he grabbed him quick so he wouldn't wake up Anna. 

Jake took Noah downstairs so he could feed him. When Anna woke up she saw it was 10 in the morning. She got up and went to get Noah out of the bassinet but he wasn't there. She went into Ethan's room and saw he was still asleep she put her hand on his head he was still a little warm she decided to let him sleep since he had a rough night.

Anna walked downstairs she walked into the family room and saw Jake sitting on the couch holding Noah, she sat down beside him and gave him a kiss. Jake handed Noah to Anna.

Anna: He buddy mommy missed you last night.

Noah just looked at her and gurgled Anna kissed his forehead he started to fuss so Anna started feeding him once he was done she burped him then he settled in her arms. While they were sitting there they heard Ethan cry from upstairs.

Jake: I got him, babe. 

Anna: Thanks I said as Noah started to fall asleep in my arms so I moved him over to his chair.

Jake brought Ethan down still in his Pj's he still wasn't feeling well because he went right to the couch to sit with Anna instead of playing with his toys like he normally did. Anna took Ethan to the kitchen to see if she could get him to eat and drink something he drank the juice but didn't touch his food Anna was just happy that she got juice into him.

They spent the rest of the day just relaxing and watching movies while watching the movie Ethan fell asleep again which was fine he needed the rest. Jake made him and Anna lunch they went back to the family room both boys were still asleep. Noah woke up so Anna changed and then fed him. When Ethan woke up he looked for Anna but didn't see her.

Ethan: Mamma 

Jake: Hey buddy how do you feel?

Ethan: Mamma

Jake: Mamma's upstairs with Noah.

Ethan put his head back down on the couch Jake went upstairs to find Anna he found her in Noahs's room rocking him in the chair and singing to him. Jake stood there watching her when Anna looked up she smiled at him.

Anna: What are you doing you, dork?

Jake: Just watching my amazing wife sing to our son.

Anna: He likes when I sing to him I said as I stood up with Noah in my arms and walked over to Jake.

Jake: Well your other boy is looking for you so what do you want to do?

Anna: I should go down and see how he's doing. Time to bond with daddy I said as I gave him a kiss and passed him to Jake. 

Anna went downstairs and saw Ethan still laying on the couch, she walked over and sat beside him she put her hand on his back.

Anna: Hey buddy how are you feeling?

Ethan: Mamma juice.

Anna: Mommy can get you more juice I took his cup to the kitchen and got him more juice. When I came back I gave him some juice and tried to give him a snack but he wouldn't eat.

Later on in the night Anna gave Ethan a bath and put him in fresh Pj's they cuddled in the chair and Anna read him a story she put him in his crib he fell asleep quickly. Anna went back to her room Jake was sitting in bed Noah in front of him he had just finished getting Noah dressed when Anna sat next to him on the bed. 

Jake passed Noah to Anna and she cuddled with him for a while before putting him in his bassinet and getting into bed.

Jake: Let's hope tonight goes better than last I said as I pulled the covers over me.

Anna: I hope so too I said as I got into bed I snuggled up next to Jake and if it doesn't it's your turn I said.

Jake: I laughed at my wife and pulled her close to me and rested my chin on her head.

Anna: I love you.

Jake: I love you too. 

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