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Before Jake moved back home, he knew he had to make things right with Ethan. Anna went to get the boys from Britt's while Jake waited for them to come back.

When Anna arrived back home with the boys, Jake was sitting in the kitchen waiting to talk to Ethan.

Anna: Noah, you and I are going to go upstairs and play while daddy talks to Ethan.

Noah: Ok, Mommy.

Ethan: Hi, Daddy.

Jake: Hey, buddy. I wanted to talk to you about what happened before I'm so sorry that I yelled at you and scared you I wasn't in a good place, but I should have never takin it out on you I love you so much.

Ethan: I love you too, daddy.

Jake: I promise I will never talk to you that way again.

Ethan: Ok, are you going to come back soon?

Jake: Your mom and I wanted to talk to you and your brother first, but we decided to try living together again.

Ethan: You're coming back home.

Jake: I am.

Ethan: Sweet, I have to go tell Noah.

Ethan ran upstairs to find his brother and tell him the good news. When Ethan told Noah that their dad was coming back, Noah was excited.

Anna went downstairs and found Jake sitting on the couch.

Anna: How did it go with Ethan?

Jake: It went great; I feel a lot better coming back now that I have made things right with Ethan.

Anna: I'm glad you talked to Ethan and made things right.

Jake: I also have to apologize to you I'm so sorry that I acted the way I did I never meant to hurt you I love you so much I'm sorry I let you down and that I wasn't the husband and father I promised you I would be.

Anna: I get it you were in a bad place you were away for a long time, and the movie you did took a toll on you.

Jake: I love you so much, and you giving me a second chance means everything I won't screw it up.

Anna: Well you can thank Britt and Tyler for this because they helped me decide what I wanted.

Jake: We should have a BBQ this weekend and invite our friends over to celebrate me coming back home and you giving me a second chance.

Anna: That sounds like a great idea I'll start calling everyone; while you go upstairs with the boys.

Jake: Sounds good.

Jake gave Anna a quick kiss, then headed upstairs. Anna started calling everyone. Jake came back down with the boys Anna had just hung up the phone.

Anna: Alright, everyone is coming on Saturday. I told them to come for 1.

Jake: Sounds good. Who wants pizza for dinner tonight?

The boys got excited, and Anna told Jake it was a great idea. Jake went out to grab dinner, and Anna helped the boys pick out a movie to watch.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now