New Year

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When Anna and Jake got back to L.A. and after saying I love you to each other they started spending as much time together as they could with their busy schedules. Tonight though she was hanging out with Brittany, while Jake was hanging out with some of his friends.

Britt: Hey Anna I'm here you told me just to walk in so I did.

Anna: Hey Britt I'm just getting us some drinks have a seat in the living room I'll be right there.

Anna grabbed the drinks and something to snack on then walked into the living room to sit next to Britt. Here you go, Anna, said handing a glass to Britt.

Britt: Thanks, so how was Christmas in Maine?

Anna: It was great there was lots of snow so it really felt like Christmas. How was your Christmas?

Britt: Mine was really good how did it go with Jake? What did your parents think of him? 

Anna: It went really well my mom loves him.

Britt: What about your dad?

Anna: He said he liked him and that if he hurt me he would kill him.

Britt: I laughed at her response and took a sip of wine.

Anna: I forgot to tell you the best part he told me he loved me after the ball dropped.

Britt: Wow that's great it doesn't seem too fast for you you've only been dating three months?

Anna: It feels right with him, I mean we were friends first we made a movie together, I miss him when we are not together. 

Britt: Yep, you're definitely in love. I think it's great, you guys make such a cute couple you've got yourself a good guy Anna. 

Anna: Thanks I am lucky to have him. I want to ask your opinion on something.

Britt: Sure whats up?

Anna: I'm thinking of asking him to move in with me.

Britt: Wow, do guys think you're ready to take that step?

Anna: I'm not sure I just know that we spend a lot of time here he stays here a lot so I thought why not make it permanent. 

Britt: Maybe you should give it a few more months just to be sure this is what you really want.

Anna: Thanks, yeah I'll give it some more thought. Thank you for coming over tonight I really needed to talk about this.

Britt: No problem, so what else is going on?

Anna: No much just looking for my next project, how about you?

Britt: Same looking for that next great thing.

Anna and Britt continued to talk about their boyfriends and drink when it got late Britt said goodbye to Anna and went home. After Britt left Anna cleaned up the kitchen and living room, locked the doors and headed upstairs for bed she was just about to turn out the light when her phone went off, it was a goodnight text from Jake she smiled and sent one back to him she turned out the light and went to sleep. 

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Anna heard knocking on her front door she got up and went downstairs. When she opened the door she saw Jake standing there with coffee in one hand and a bag of something in the other. They walked into the kitchen together and sat down.

Jake: Sorry if I woke you up I've been up since 7.

Anna: It's ok why were you up so early don't you ever sleep in? 

Jake: I got up so I could go running, then I came back to the house showered got dressed stopped for coffee and came to see you, and yes I sleep in but only when I'm here with you.

Anna: Your sweet thank you for breakfast. What have you got planned for today anything exciting?

Jake: Well I was hoping we could spend the day together if you don't have any plans?

Anna: Was just going to do some housework, but I guess it could wait what did you want to do?

Jake: I was thinking we could go for a walk together.

Anna: Well I have to get a new bookcase and since your car is bigger I was hoping we could pick it up?

Jake: Sure we can do that I can help you put it together if you want?

Anna: That would be great just let me get ready then we can leave.

After Anna finished getting ready her and Jake got in his SUV and headed for the store. When they got there Anna found the bookcase she was looking for paid for it and put it in the trunk. They got back to her place and started setting it up in the living room.

Jake: Oh I meant to tell you my sister called yesterday.

Anna: Really what did she call you for?

Jake: She was actually wondering when would be a good time to have dinner at their place.

Anna: Well whenever is good for her she's the one with kids.

Jake: Well she said if we are free on Friday that works for them. 

Anna: Friday works for me.

Jake: Great I'll call her back and let her know. Can you hand me the instructions so we can start building?

Anna: Yep here you go.

Once they built the bookcase they set it up in the living room and started putting things on the shelves. Once everything was put away they took a break and went for that walk Jake suggested earlier. When they got back to her place they had lunch and talked about having dinner with his sister.

Jake: My sister can't wait to meet you she keeps asking when can I meet her.

Anna: Do you think she is going to like me?

Jake: She is going to love you and so will my nieces.

Anna: Well I'm not great with kids but I'll try my best.

Jake: You'll be great don't worry.

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