Do You Want To Fix This

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The next day Anna decided to go and talk to Jake the boys were spending time with Jake's sister. When she showed up at his hotel there were bottles and take out all over the place Jake looked like he hadn't slept.

Jake: Hey what are you doing here?

Anna: I came to see how you are doing and to tell you Ethan had his first baseball game yesterday.

Jake: I'm fine.

Anna: You don't look fine you look terrible, have you slept at all?


Anna: Do not yell at me. I came to check on you and tell you that your family is doing well.

Jake: Can you just go I want to be alone.

Anna: I need to know if you want to work this out, do you want to come back home?

Jake: I can't right now. I think you should go.

Anna: You said coming here would be better for you.

Jake: I guess I just need more time.

Anna: If you don't figure this out don't come back.

Jake: Bye.

Anna left the hotel room then went to meet up with Britt for coffee.

Anna: Hey sorry I'm late; I went to see Jake.

Britt: It's, fine, I've only been waiting 5 minutes.

Anna: Ok.

Britt: How did it go with Jake?

Anna: Not good, he looks terrible, there are bottles, and take out everywhere.

Britt: I thought he left to get better?

Anna: I thought so to I told him about Ethan's game, and he said nothing just yelled at me and told me to leave.

Britt: I'm sorry you're going through this.

Later in the day, the boys were playing in the family room while Anna was making dinner Noah came running into the kitchen and sat at the counter. 

Anna: Hey buddy what's up?

Noah: How come daddy isn't here anymore?

Anna: Daddy is working some things out right now.

Noah: Will I get to see him soon?

Anna: I'm not sure he just needs some time to figure things out ok?

Noah: Ok mommy. 

Britt: Anna it's me you forgot your purse.

Anna: Hey thank you so much. I can't believe I left it behind.

Britt: You're going through a lot right now.

Anna: Noah tell your brother dinner is almost ready.

Noah: Ok mommy. Hi Auntie Britt.

Britt: Hi Noah.

Anna: Would you like to join us for dinner?

Ethan: Auntie Britt are you staying for dinner?

Britt: I would love to join you guys can I help with anything?

Anna: You can help me with the salad and putting the food on the table.

Britt got off the chair and joined Anna while the boys went to wash their hands.

They were just about to eat when the door opened, and Jake walked in.

Noah: Daddy your home.

Anna could tell Jake had been drinking, so she told Noah to sit at the table and eat. Anna stood up and walked over to Jake.

Anna: What are you doing here I don't want the kids to see you like this.

Jake: I just came to give you this.

Jake took his wedding ring off and handed it to her.

Anna: Why are you giving me this?

Jake: I don't deserve to wear it. I've not been a husband or father for months.

Anna: Is this your way of saying you're done you want a divorce?

Jake: I don't know what I want all I know is I can't wear that ring right now. I have to go.

As Jake walked away, Noah ran after him.

Noah: Wait, daddy don't go I miss you come back?

Jake: Go back to the table and eat.

Noah: I want you to stay with us.


Anna: Hey do not yell at him you should go now, buddy go back to the table with Auntie Britt.

Noah: Ok mommy.

When he went back to the table, he hugged his Auntie Britt and cried on her shoulder.

Britt: It's ok buddy don't cry.

Noah: Daddy yelled at me.

Britt: I know, but you didn't do anything wrong ok.

Noah just nodded his head. When Anna came back to the table, she checked to make sure Noah was ok they finished dinner, and the boys went off to play while Anna and Britt cleaned up the kitchen.

Britt: Are you ok you haven't said anything since dinner?

Anna: Yeah I'm fine.

Britt: Are you going to try and give his ring back to him?

Anna: For now I'm just going to leave it up to him I don't have time for this I have kids to raise and a life to live.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now