Looking Out

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Today Noah would be spending time with Jake for the first time since he left, Anna was having a hard time she wanted to go with them so she could know that Noah was safe. Anna texted Britt because Britt always made her feel better. 

Tyler: Hey Anna, it's me, I just came in, hope it's ok?

Anna: Hey Tyler, it's fine you're always welcome, what's up?

Tyler: Britt told me you're nervous about Noah seeing Jake today.

Anna: I wish I could be there, so I know he is safe, but I don't want Jake to think I don't trust him.

Tyler: What if I go with Noah, we will just tell Jake that this is a big step, and you want me there with him.

Anna: I can't ask you to do that.

Tyler: You're not asking I'm volunteering to go.

Anna: That would be great thank you so much.

Tyler: Anything for you guys.

Anna: Jake wants to take him to the park because Noah loves the park.

Tyler: Ok, the park what time are we meeting him?

Anna: Jake said around 12:30.

Tyler: Ethan still doesn't what to go?

Anna: Nope I'm going to hang out with him while Noah is with Jake.

Tyler: Is Noah ready to go?

Anna: I think he is, I'll go up and check.

While Anna was upstairs, her phone went off; it was a text from Jake, he was waiting for them at the park he got there early.

When Anna came back down with Noah, Tyler told her that her phone went off while she was gone. She saw it was a text from Jake saying he was waiting at the park.

Anna: Ok Noah, Tyler is going to go with you to see daddy because I'm staying with Ethan.

Noah: You're not coming with me, mommy?

Anna: Uncle Tyler is going to go with you ok you guys will have fun.

Noah: Ok mommy, I love you, have fun with Ethan.

Anna: I love you too.

Tyler showed up at the park with Noah. They saw Jake waiting on the bench.

Jake: Hey, buddy, I've missed you.

Noah: Hi, daddy.

Jake: Thank's for bringing him, tell Anna I'll bring him back in a few hours.

Tyler: I'm not leaving.

Jake: You don't have to stay I can look after my own kid.

Tyler: I told Anna I wouldn't leave.

Jake: She sent you because she doesn't trust me.

Tyler: Do you blame her you haven't been around this is a big step for her letting you see Noah.

Jake: Fine stay I'm going to go push Noah on the swing.

While Jake was pushing, Noah on the swing his phone went off, he stepped away so he could take the call. Noah jumped off the swing when he saw a puppy walking with his owner.

Jake wasn't paying attention to Noah while he was on the phone. When he went back to the swings, Noah was gone. Jake looked all over the playground for him.

Jake: Noah?

Jake: Noah, where are you?

Jake: NOAH?

Tyler was walking back from the car, where he was getting a snack for Noah when he heard yelling.

Jake: Tyler, have you seen Noah I can't find him.

Tyler: No, I went to the car to get him a snack you lost him?

Jake: I stepped away to take a call, and when I came back, he was gone.

Tyler: You can't take your eyes off him, Jake.

Jake: I'm sorry I messed up again she is never going to trust me again.

Tyler: Let's just find him ok I'll go over there, and you go the other way.

Tyler and Jake split up to look for Noah. Tyler was about to give up when he saw a little boy playing with the puppy.

Tyler: Noah?

Noah: Uncle Tyler, look at the puppy he is so cute.

Tyler: Buddy, you can't run off like that you have to tell someone.

Noah: I'm sorry I wanted to see the puppy and daddy was on the phone.

Tyler: Ok, let's go back to your dad, he's looking for you.

Noah: Is he going to yell at me?

Tyler: He might you scared him.

Jake: Noah, thank god, where were you?

Noah: I went to see the puppy that was walking.

Jake: Next time you have to tell me where you are going.

Noah: I'm sorry, daddy.

Jake: I know you are, I think it's time you go home with Tyler, ok.

Noah: Ok, bye, daddy.

Anna was surprised when she heard the door open, and Noah came running in with Tyler behind him.

Anna: Hey, why are you back so soon did something happen?

Tyler: Noah, why don't you go out back with your brother.

Noah ran off to play with Ethan while Tyler talked with Anna.

Anna: Tyler you're scaring me what happened at the park?

Tyler: Noah went missing.

Anna: What do you mean he went missing.

Tyler: I went to the car to get Noah a snack and Jake was watching him on the swings, but then Jake got a call and stepped away, and while he was on the phone Noah went to play with a puppy he saw walking with his owner.

Anna: Jake wasn't watching him?

Tyler: He stepped away to take a call I thought, while I went to the car, Jake would watch him he said he would. Then I come back, and he is looking for Noah.

Tyler: I let you down; I'm sorry.

Anna: Not your fault Jake said he would watch him and he didn't the phone call was more important than his son.

Anna: Thank you for going with him.

Tyler: You're welcome, I should go now; I have some things I have to do, again I'm sorry, about today.

Anna: Not your fault this is on Jake.

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