Taking Things Slow

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It had been a week since Anna went to talk to Jake, she had to think about everything before she could make a decision. After talking with the girls; she realized she still loved, and, missed Jake, but she had to figure out what would be best for the boys Ethan was still afraid of him and doesn't want Jake to come back and Noah wanted him back. If Jake was going to be back in their lives, things needed to be slow.

The boys were spending time with Britt and Tyler, so Anna decided to go talk to Jake. Anna arrived at the hotel and went to Jake's room, she, knocked on the door and waited for him to answer.

Jake: Hey, Anna. what's up?

Anna: I needed to talk to you about some things.

Jake: Ok, come in, can I get you anything?

Anna: No, thanks, I'm fine.

Jake: So, what did you want to talk about?

Anna: I've been thinking about everything you said, and if this is going to work we need to go slow because I have to think of the boys first Ethan is still afraid of you Jake and he doesn't want you to come back.

Jake: How does Noah feel?

Anna: The opposite he wants you to come back, he misses you.

Jake: How are we going to fix this, maybe the divorce is the right thing that way I can still see Noah and Ethan won't have to see me if he doesn't want to.

Anna: I do miss you Jake, but I'm putting the boys first so I think we should go ahead and do a trial separation that way we can take this time to really figure out what is best for everyone.

Jake: Ok, if that's what you want, then that's what we will do.

Anna: I will talk to the boys and explain everything to them, and I will set up a time so you can see Noah.

Jake: Ok, thank you, Anna, that means a lot.

Anna: You need to earn back my trust Jake so don't mess this up if Noah comes back not happy then I will go through with the divorce and I will get custody of the boys, and you will never see them again are we clear.

Jake: We're clear I will not mess this up I will prove to you that you can trust me again.

Anna left Jake's room got in her car and went to pick up the boys when she got to Britt's she let herself in. Noah ran over to hug his mom, then Ethan did the same thing.

Anna: Hey guys I need to talk to you about something.

Ethan: What's wrong, mommy.

Anna: I went to talk to daddy, and he misses you guys a lot, and he wants to come back home.

Ethan: I don't want him to come back you said he wasn't coming back YOU LIED.

Before Anna could respond, Ethan ran off to Britt's spare room. Britt and Tyler watched him run off. Anna; stood up to go after him, when she walked in the room, she found Ethan crying on the pillow.

Anna: Hey, buddy, can we talk?

Ethan rolled over to look at his mom. He sat up so Anna could sit next to him.

Anna: Ethan daddy isn't coming back home, ok.

Ethan: Ok, I'm sorry; I yelled at you, mommy.

Anna: It's ok buddy I know you were upset can you come back out to the living room so I can talk to you and Noah?

Ethan: Ok, mommy. 

Anna and Ethan got up and walked back out to the living room with everyone else.

Anna: Ok, this is what's going to happen, Daddy and I are going to stay apart for a while.

Noah: He's not coming back, I miss him. 

Anna: I know you do and you are still going to be able to see him if you want to we can set up a time for you to see daddy.

Ethan: I don't have to go, right?

Anna: No, you don't have to go, but if you change your mind, then you can see him too. I will live with you at the house and daddy will stay at the hotel, or he will find his own place to stay. Do you guys understand what I'm saying?

Ethan: Yes, mommy.

Anna: Noah, do you understand?

Noah: Yep, can we go play now.

Anna: Sure go play.

Tyler: I'll go with them. Give you guys a chance to talk.

Anna: Thank's Tyler.

Britt: I think you are doing the right thing.

Anna: I think so too.

Britt: I'm proud of, you, I know this is really hard on you and the boys.

Anna: Thank's I'm doing what is best for everyone. I won't make my son go with someone he is afraid of this is what is best Noah can still see his dad and Ethan won't have to.

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