Seeing Baby

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Later on in the day, Dr. Smith came by to see Anna he told her she was allowed to go visit her son Jake would have to take her in a wheelchair. The nurse came in with the wheelchair Jake went to help her up but she didn't move.

Jake: Whats wrong babe are you in pain?

Anna: No I'm ok.

Jake: Ok then let's stand up.

Anna: I'm nervous about seeing him.

Jake: It will be ok babe I'll be there with you.

Anna: I know once we get there I'm sure I'll be ok.

Jake helped Anna sit in the wheelchair then he took her up to the NICU so she could see her boy for the first time. When they got there Jake wheeled her up to the incubator so she could see him. Anna just stared at her son lying their covered in tubes and wires. 

Anna: Hey buddy its mommy. I put my hand through the hole and touched his tiny hand.

While Anna was looking at him Jake saw tears rolling down her face.

Jake: Babe whats wrong I said as I kneeled down by her side and put my hand on her cheek.

Anna: I feel like him being here is my fault I mean look at all these tubes and wires all over him.

Jake: Hey this is not your fault.

Anna: Then why is he here like this?

Jake: I don't know babe I wish I had an answer.

Anna: Look at him Jake he's so small.

Jake: He's a fighter everything will be ok.

Anna: You're not a doctor you don't know that.

Jake: I'm trying to stay positive.

Just as Anna was about to respond Dr. Brown came in the room he introduced himself to Anna, then checked on the baby. Dr. Brown turned to Jake and Anna with an update. He is doing really well for being born so soon we haven't had any setbacks so that's good. 

Anna: How long will he have to stay here?

Dr. Brown: I'm sorry he will be here for a while he's still very small and he has to get to 5lbs or more before he can leave.

Anna: When will I be able to hold him?

Dr. Brown: You can hold him now if you want?

Anna: Are you sure it's safe with all these tubes and wires?

Dr. Brown: Absolutely skin to skin contact actually helps with the healing process. If you want to sit in the chair i'll get him all set up for you to hold him. 

Jake helped Anna sit in her chair once she was settled Dr. Brown brought the baby over and placed him on her chest. 

Dr. Brown: How does that feel Anna?

Anna: Good it feels good.

Dr. Brown: If you have a name picked out for him call him by it. Don't be afraid to give him a kiss this is how you bond with him so he knows you are here with him. 

Anna sat in the chair with her son resting on her chest Jake sat by her side just smiling as he watched his wife and son bond. Anna talked to him and kissed his head and told him how much she loved him.

Jake: You look good holding him.

Anna: I feel good holding him.

Jake: So what's his name?

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